Noncommutative Algebra - Fall 2020




Lecture Notes

  1. Algebras and Modules
  2. Adjoining generators
  3. Presentations of Algebras
  4. Skew polynomial rings and Ore extensions
  5. Adjunctions, derivations, and GWAs
  6. More about GWAs
  7. Degree derivations and graded ideals
  8. Filtered algebras
  9. The rational Cherednik algebras
  10. The Diamond Lemma 1
  11. The Diamond Lemma 2
  12. The Diamond Lemma 3
  13. Group-graded algebras
  14. Tensor products 1
  15. Tensor products 2
  16. Some induced modules
  17. Morita equivalence
  18. Morita for skew group algebras
  19. Clifford theory I
  20. Example of Clifford idea
  21. Growth of algebras 1
  22. Growth of algebras 2
  23. Growth of algebras 3
  24. Growth of algebras 4
  25. Quantum algebras
  26. Limit topology
  27. Deformation theory

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