Author Title MSC2020 Area
Saaty, T.L.Lectures on Modern Mathematics Volumes 1-300 General and overarching topics; collections
Saaty, T.L.Topics in Behavioral Mathematics92 Biology
Saaty, ThomasNonlinear Mathematics00 General and overarching topics; collections
Sachkov, VladimirProbabilistic Methods in Combinatorial Analysis05 Combinatorics
Sadun, Lorenzo Applied Linear Algebra46 Functional analysis
Saff, E. B. Fundamentals of Complex Analysis for Mathematics, Science, and Engineering00 General and overarching topics; collections
Sagan, BruceThe Symmetric Group: Representations, Combinatorial Algorithms, and Symmetric Functions20 Group theory and generalizations
Sagan, HansIntroduction to the Calculus of Variations49 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization
Sage, AndrewLinear Systems Control93 Systems theory; control
Sah, C-HHilbert's Third Problem: Scissors Congruence51 Geometry
Sah, Chih-hanAbstract Algebra09 Abstract algebra
Saks, StanislawTheory of the Integral28 Measure and integration
Salam, Fathi M.Dynamical Systems Approaches to Nonlinear Problems In Systems and Circuits93 Systems theory; control
Salamon, PeterFacts Conjectures, and Improvements for Simulated Annealing65 Numerical analysis
Sally, JudithRoots to Research: A Vertical Development of Mathematical Problems00 General and overarching topics; collections
Salmon, GeorgeA Treatise on the Higher Plane Curves51 Geometry
Sandifer, C. EdwardHow Euler Did It01 History and biography
Sandifer, C. EdwardThe Early Mathematics of Leonhard Euler01 History and biography
Sanin, N.A.Constructive Rea Numbers and Functional Spaces46 Functional analysis
Sankoff, DavidTime Warps, String Edits, and Macromolecules: The Theory and Practice of Sequence Comparison68 Computer science
Santalo, L.A. Introduction to Integral Geometry53 Differential geometry
Santosa, FadilInverse Problems of Acoustic and Elastic Waves73 (73) Mechanics of deformable solids
Sattinger, David H. Topics in Stability and Bifurcation Theory35 Partial differential equations
Savant, C.J.Fundamentals of the Laplace Transformation44 Integral transforms
Schaaf, RenateGlobal Solution Branches of Two Point Boundary Value Problems34 Ordinary differential equations
Schabenberger, Oliver Statistical Methods for Spatial Data Analysis62 Statistics
Schaefer, H.H.Topological Vector Spaces46 Functional analysis
Schaefer, H.H.Topological Vector Spaces46 Functional analysis
Scheidemann, VolkerIntroduction to Complex Analysis in Several Variables32 Several complex variables
Scheinerman, EdwardFractional Graph Theory05 Combinatorics
Schenck, HalComputational Algebraic Geometry13 Commutative algebra
Schenkman, EugeneGroup Theory20 Group theory and generalizations
Schilling , O.F.GThe Theory Of Valuations12 Field theory and polynomials
Schleicher, DierkAn Invitation to Mathematics: From Competitions to Research00 General and overarching topics; collections
Schlick, Tamar Molecular Modelling and Simulation 92 Biology
Schmidt, EA survey on Conruence lattice Representations06 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures
Schmitt, KlausDelay and Functional Differential Equations and Their Applications34 Ordinary differential equations
Schneider, HansMatrices and Linear Algebra15 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory
Schober, GlennUnivalent Functions- Selected Topics30 Functions of a complex variable
Schoen, R.Lectures on Differential Geometry53 Differential geometry
Schoenberg, IsaacMathematical Time Exposures00 General and overarching topics; collections
Schroder, JohannOperator Inequalities65 Numerical analysis
Schroeder, ManfredFractals, Chaos, Power Laws: Minutes from an Infinite Paradise00 General and overarching topics; collections
Schuh, FredThe Master Book of Mathematical Recreations00 General and overarching topics; collections
Schumaker, LarrySpline Functions: Basic Theory41 Approximations and expansions
Schwabik, StefanDifferential and Integral Equations Boundary Value Problems and Adjoints45 Integral equations
Schwartz, J.T.Nonlinear Functional Analysis58 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds
Schwartz, LaurentFunctional Analysis46 Functional analysis
Schwarz, H.R.Methode der finiten Elemente65 Numerical analysis
Scorza, GaetanoOpere Scelte01 History and biography
Sedgewick, RobertAlgorithms in C: Part 568 Computer science
Sedgewick, RobertAlgorithms in C: Parts 1-468 Computer science
Segal, IrvingIntegrals and Operators28 Measure and integration
Segre, BeniaminoLecture on Modern Geometry50 (51) Geometry
Seidenberg, A.Studies in Algebraic Geometry00 General and overarching topics; collections
Seidenberg, A.Lectures in Projective Geometry51 Geometry
Seifert, H. Lehrbuch der Topologie54 General topology
Seldin, PeterThe Teaching Portfolio97 Mathematics education
Selfridge, RTable of the Incomplete Elliptic Integral of the Third Kind33 Special functions
Seneta, E.Non-Negative Matrices and Markov Chains60 Probability theory and stochastic processes
Sentilles, DennisA Bridge to Advanced Mathematics00 General and overarching topics; collections
Serre, Jean-PierreA Course in Arithmetic12 Field theory and polynomials
Serre, J.-P.Linear Representation of Finite Groups20 Group theory and generalizations
Serre, DenisMatrices Theory and Applications15 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory
Sewell, GranvilleAnalysis of a Finite Element Method: PDE/Protran65 Numerical analysis
Shafarevich, I.R.Basic Algebraic Geometry14 Algebraic geometry
Shapiro, Joel H.Composition Operators and Classical Function Theory47 Operator theory
Shapiro, HaroldIntroduction to the Theory of Numbers11 Number theory
Shapiro, LouisIntroduction to Abstract Algebra09 Abstract algebra
Shashkin, YuFixed Points55 Algebraic topology
Shavelson, Richard J.Scientific Research in Education97 Mathematics education
Shenitzer, AbeMathematical Evolutions00 General and overarching topics; collections
Shields, PaulElementary Linear Algebra15 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory
Shilov, G. E. An Introduction to the Theory of Linear Spaces15 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory
Shinbrot, MarvinLectures on Fluid Mechanics76 Fluid mechanics
Shiryayev, A.N.Probability60 Probability theory and stochastic processes
Shoham, YoavMultiagent Systems: Algorithmic, Game-Theoretic, and Logical Foundations92 Biology
Shohat, J.A.The Problem of Moments40 Sequences, series, summability
Siegel, CarlLectures on Advanced Analytic Number Theory11 Number theory
Siegel, C.L.Topics in Complex Functions Volume 130 Functions of a complex variable
Siegel, C.L.Topics in Complex Functions Volume 230 Functions of a complex variable
Siegel, CTopics in Complex Function Theory30 Functions of a complex variable
Siemons, J.Surveys in Combinatorics 1989; Invited Papers at the Twelfth British Combinatorial Conference05 Combinatorics
Sigler, L.E.Algebra13 Commutative algebra
Silva, C.E.Invitation to Ergodic Theory37 Dynamical systems
Silver, NateThe Signal and The Noise: Why So Many Predictions Fail - But Some Don't60 Probability theory and stochastic processes
Silverman, Joseph H.A Friendly Introduction to Number Theory11 Number theory
Silverman, JosephThe Arithmetic of Dynamical Systems11 Number theory
Silverman, HerbComplex Variables30 Functions of a complex variable
Simader, Christian G.On Dirichlet's Boundary Value Problem35 Partial differential equations
Simmons, George F.Introduction to Topology and Modern Analysis54 General topology
Simmons, GeorgeCalculus Gems: Brief Lives and Memorable Mathematics00 General and overarching topics; collections
Sims, Benjamin T.Fundamentals of Topology 54 General topology
Singer, JamesElements of Numerical Analysis65 Numerical analysis
Singer, I.M.Lecture Notes on Elementary Topology and Geometry58 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds
Singh, SimonThe Simpsons and Their Mathematical Secrets01 History and biography
Singh, SimonFermat's Enigma01 History and biography
Sinha, Kaylan B.Theory of Semigroups and Applications47 Operator theory
Sioson, F.M.Collected Works of Giulio Andreoli01 History and biography
Sioson, F.M.Collected Works of D. Barbilian, Two Volumes01 History and biography
Sioson, F.M.Collected Works of D. Boccion, G. Scorza, Dragon01 History and biography
Sioson, F.M.Collected Works of D. Castaldo, G. Scognamilio, A. Fadini01 History and biography
Sioson, FedericoLinear Topological Spaces and Spectral Theory in Hilbert Space46 Functional analysis
Sioson, FedericoModern Spectral Theory and Modulated Semi-Ordered Linear Spaces46 Functional analysis
Sipser, MichaelIntroduction to the Theory of Computation68 Computer science
Skiena, StevenThe Algorithm Design Manual00 General and overarching topics; collections
Skiena, StevenCalculated Bets: Computers, Gambling, and Mathematical Modeling to Win60 Probability theory and stochastic processes
Skorokhod, A.V.Studies in the Theory of Random Processes60 Probability theory and stochastic processes
Slater, LucyGeneralized Hypergeometric Functions33 Special functions
Slater, LConfluent HyperGeometri Functions33 Special functions
Slaught, Herbert Contributions to Geometry51 Geometry
Slebodzinski, WladyslawFormes Enterieures Et Leurs15 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory
Sloane, N.J.A.A Handbook of Integer Sequences10 (11) Number theory
Slomson, AlanAn Introduction to Combinatorics05 Combinatorics
Smart, NigelThe Algorithmic Resolution of Diophantine Equations11 Number theory
Smart, D. R.Fixed Point Theorems54 General topology
Smart, JamesModern Geometrics51 Geometry
Smeltzer, DonaldMan and Number00 General and overarching topics; collections
Smith, DonaldVariational Methods in Optimization49 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization
Smith, David EugeneA Source Book in Mathematics (Volume Two)01 History and biography
Smith, DavidA History of Japanese Mathematics01 History and biography
Smith, G.D.Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations and Finite Difference Methods65 Numerical analysis
Smith, CConic Section51 Geometry
Smith, DavidThe Geometry of Rene Descartes01 History and biography
Smith, CharlesConic sections51 Geometry
Smith, C.Cohn Section51 Geometry
Smulyan, RaymondTheory of Formal Systems03 Mathematical logic and foundations
Snapper, ErnstMetric Affine Geometry51 Geometry
Sneddon, IanSpecial Functions of Mathematical Physics and Chemistry33 Special functions
Sneddon, L.NAlgebraic Topology55 Algebraic topology
Sneddon, N.Problems in Euclidean Space: Application of Convexity52 Convex and discrete geometry
Sneddon, IanThe use of Integral Transforms44 Integral transforms
Snell, J. LaurieIntroduction to Probability60 Probability theory and stochastic processes
Snow, ChesterHypergeometric and Legendre Functions With Applications to Integral Equations of Potential Theory33 Special functions
Snyder, MartinChebyshev Methods in Numerical Approximation65 Numerical analysis
Sobolev, S.L.Partial Differential Equations of Mathematical Physics35 Partial differential equations
Sobolev, S.L.Partial Differential Equation of Mathematical Physics35 Partial differential equations
Soifer, AlexanderHow Does One Cut a Triangle?51 Geometry
Soifer, AlexanderHow does one cut a triangle51 Geometry
Soifer, AlexanderRamsey Theory: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow05 Combinatorics
Sokolnikoff, I.S.Mathematical Theory of Elasticity73 (73) Mechanics of deformable solids
Sokolnikoff, I.S.Mathematics of Physics and Modern Engineering69 Mathematical physics and engineering
Soloff-Coste, LaurentAspects of Sobolev-Type Inequalities58 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds
Sommerfeld, ArnoldPartial Differential Equations35 Partial differential equations
Sommerville, D.M.Y The Elements of Non-Euclidean Geometry51 Geometry
Sommerville, D.M.Y An Introduction to the Geometry of N Dimensions52 Convex and discrete geometry
Sommerville, D.M.Y.Non-Euclidean Geometry51 Geometry
Sommerville, D.m.y.The Elemente of Non-Euclidean Geometry51 Geometry
Southwell, R.V.An Introduction to the Theory of Elasticity73 (73) Mechanics of deformable solids
Spall, JamesIntroduction to Stochastic Search and Optimization: Estimation, Simulation, and Control90 Operations research, mathematical programming
Spanier, JeromeAn Atlas of Functions33 Special functions
Specht, WilhelmGruppentheorie22 Topological groups, Lie groups
Spiegel, MurrayAdvanced Mathematics00 General and overarching topics; collections
Spitzer, FrankPrinciples of Random Walk60 Probability theory and stochastic processes
Spivak, MichaelDifferential Geometry V53 Differential geometry
Spivak, MichaelDifferential Geometry IV53 Differential geometry
Spivak, MichaelDifferential Geometry I53 Differential geometry
Spivak, MichaelDifferential Geometry III53 Differential geometry
Spivak, MichaelDifferential Geometry II53 Differential geometry
Sposito, V.A.Linear and Non-linear Programming90 Operations research, mathematical programming
Springer, T.Linear Algebraic Groups20 Group theory and generalizations
Springer , C.E.Geometry and Analysis of Projective Spaces 51 Geometry
Srinivasan, BhamaRepresentation of Finite Chevalley Groups 20 Group theory and generalizations
Srivastava, HMultiple Gaussian Hypergeometric Series33 Special functions
Stabler, E.R.Introduction to Mathematical Thought01 History and biography
Stahl, SaulGeometry from Euclid to Knots01 History and biography
Stahl, Saul I.Real Analysis: A Historical Approach26 Real functions
Stampacchia, GuidoEquations Elliptiques du Second Ordre A Coefficients Discontinus35 Partial differential equations
Stankova, ZvezdelinaA Decade of the Berkeley Math Circle: The American Experience, Volume I01 History and biography
Stanley, RichardEnumerative Combinatorics: Volume 105 Combinatorics
Stanton, DennisConstructive Combinatorics05 Combinatorics
Stark, HaroldAn Introduction to Number Theory11 Number theory
Stavroulakis, PeterDistributed Parameter Systems Theory, Part 2 Estimation93 Systems theory; control
Steele, J.Probability Theory and Combinatorial Optimization05 Combinatorics
Steen, LynnMathematics Today: Twelve Informal Essays00 General and overarching topics; collections
Steen, Lynn ArthurOn the Shoulders of Giants: New Approaches to Numeracy00 General and overarching topics; collections
Steenrod, N.E. Cohomology Opertations18 Category theory; homological algebra
Stein, ShermanAlgebra and Tiling: Homomorphisms in the Service of Geometry52 Convex and discrete geometry
Steinitz, ErnstAlgebraische Theorie der Körper12 Field theory and polynomials
Stephenson, KennethIntroduction to Circle Packing52 Convex and discrete geometry
Sternberg, Wolfgang J.Theory of Potential and Spherical Harmonics76 Fluid mechanics
Sternberg, Wolfgang J.The Theory of Potential and Spherical Harmonics35 Partial differential equations
Stewart, IanFrom Here to Infinity00 General and overarching topics; collections
Stewart, IanSymmetry: A Very Short Introduction20 Group theory and generalizations
Stewart, IanThe Problems of Mathematics00 General and overarching topics; collections
Stewart, IanTaming the Infinite: The Story of Mathematics from the First Numbers to Chaos Theory00 General and overarching topics; collections
Stewart, IanHow to Cut a Cake and Other Mathematical Conundrums00 General and overarching topics; collections
Stillwell, JohnClassical Topology and Combinatorial Group Theory57 Manifolds and cell complexes
Stillwell, JohnMathematics and Its History01 History and biography
Stirzaker, DavidProbability and Random Variables: A Beginners Guide60 Probability theory and stochastic processes
Stoer, J.Introduction to Numerical Analysis65 Numerical analysis
Stoker, J.J.Differential Geometry 53 Differential geometry
Stoker, J.J. Nonlinear Elasticity73 (73) Mechanics of deformable solids
Stoker, J.J. Differential Geometry53 Differential geometry
Stoll, Manfred Introduction to Real Analysis26 Real functions
Stoll, Robert R.Linear Algebra15 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory
Stow, P.Computational Methods in Aeronautical Fluid Dynamics76 Fluid mechanics
Strang, GilbertLinear Algebra15 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory
Strang, GilbertEssays in Linear Algebra15 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory
Straughan, BrainThe Energy Method, Stability, and Nonlinear Convection76 Fluid mechanics
Strauss, Walter A.nan35 Partial differential equations
Strauss, Walter A.The Energy Method in Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations35 Partial differential equations
Street, AnneCombinatorial Mathematics III; Proceedings of the Third Australian Conference Held at the University of Queensland, 16-18 May, 197405 Combinatorics
Street, AnneCombinatorics of Experimental Design05 Combinatorics
Stroock, D.W.Multidimensional Diffusion Processes60 Probability theory and stochastic processes
Stroock, D.W.An Introduction to the Theory of Large Deviations60 Probability theory and stochastic processes
Struik, Dirk Differential Geometry53 Differential geometry
Struik, D.J.A Source Book in Mathematics, 1200-180001 History and biography
Struik, DirkA Concise History of Mathematics01 History and biography
Struwe, MichaelVariational Methods49 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization
Stubblefield, BeauregardAn Intuitive Approach to Elementary Geometry97 Mathematics education
Stuttgart, B.G.Elementare Methoden der Kombinatorik05 Combinatorics
Sumners, De WittNew Scientific Applications of Geometry and Topology57 Manifolds and cell complexes
Sunder, V.S.Operators on Hilbert Space47 Operator theory
Sunder, V.S.Functional Analysis46 Functional analysis
Suzuki, TakashiFree Energy and Self-interacting Particles35 Partial differential equations
Swan, RichardThe Theory of Sheaves18 Category theory; homological algebra
Swan, Richard The Theory of Sheaves55 Algebraic topology
Swinney, H.L.Hydrodynamic Instabilities and the Transition to Turbulance76 Fluid mechanics
Symon, Keith R.Mechanics 70 Mechanics of particles and systems
Synge, J.L.Tensor Calculus53 Differential geometry
Syski, R.Random Processes: A First Look60 Probability theory and stochastic processes
Szabados, J. Acta Mathematica Hungarica00 General and overarching topics; collections
Szasz, GaborIntroduction to Lattice Theory06 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures
Szego, GaborOrthogonal Polynomials33 Special functions
Szemerédi, AnnaArt in the Life of Mathematicians00 General and overarching topics; collections
Szendrei, ÁgnesClones in Universal Algebra08 General algebraic systems
Szpiro, GeorgeA Mathematical Medley: Fifty Easy Pieces on Mathematics00 General and overarching topics; collections
Süli, EndreAn Introduction to Numerical Analysis65 Numerical analysis