Author Title MSC2020 Area
Albert, A.AdrianIntroduction to Algebraic Theories09 Abstract algebra
Albert, A. AdrianStructure of Algebras09 Abstract algebra
Albert, AdrianModern Higher Algebra09 Abstract algebra
Albert, AdrianFundamental Concepts of Higher Algebra09 Abstract algebra
Allenby, R. B. J. T. Rings, Fields and Groups09 Abstract algebra
Birkhoff, GarrettA Survey of Modern Algebra09 Abstract algebra
Blank, AlbertAlgebra with Galois Theory09 Abstract algebra
Bourbaki, NicolasAlgebre (Chapters III-VII)09 Abstract algebra
Bourbaki, N.Algebre (Chapitre II)09 Abstract algebra
Bourbaki, NicolasAlgebre (Chapters VII-IX)09 Abstract algebra
Burton, D.M.An Introduction to Abstract Mathematical Systems09 Abstract algebra
Burton, DavidAbstract and Linear Algebra09 Abstract algebra
Cameron, PeterIntroduction to Algebra09 Abstract algebra
Chevalley, ClaudeFundamental Concepts of Algebra09 Abstract algebra
Chevalley, ClaudeFundamental Concepts of Algebra09 Abstract algebra
Chiellini, ArmandoLa Matematica Moderna Nell'Insegnamento Secondario09 Abstract algebra
Dickson, LeonardFirst Course in the Theory of Equations09 Abstract algebra
Dubisch, RoyIntroduction to Abstract Algebra09 Abstract algebra
Dummit, David S.Abstract Algebra09 Abstract algebra
Fraleigh, John B.A First Course in Abstract Algebra09 Abstract algebra
Gelfand, IsraelAlgebra09 Abstract algebra
Godement, RogerAlgebra09 Abstract algebra
Goldhaber, JacobAlgebra09 Abstract algebra
Hasse, HelmutHigher Algebra - Volume I: Linear Equations09 Abstract algebra
Hasse, HelmutExercises to Higher Algebra09 Abstract algebra
Herstein, I. N. Abstract Algebra09 Abstract algebra
Herstein, I.N. Topics in Algebra09 Abstract algebra
Herstein, I.N.Topics in Algebra09 Abstract algebra
Hu, Sze-TsenElements of Modern Algebra09 Abstract algebra
Jacobson, NathanLectures in Abstract Algebra 09 Abstract algebra
Jacobson, NathanBasic Algebra II09 Abstract algebra
Jacobson, NathanThe Theory of Rings09 Abstract algebra
Jacobson, NathanBasic Algebra I09 Abstract algebra
Kostrikin, A.I.Algebra I: Basic Notions of Algebra09 Abstract algebra
Lang, SergeAlgebra09 Abstract algebra
Lewis, DonaldIntroduction to Algebra09 Abstract algebra
MacLane, SaundersAlgebra09 Abstract algebra
McCoy, NealRings and Ideals09 Abstract algebra
McCoy, NealIntroduction to Modern Algebra09 Abstract algebra
Montgomery, SusanSelected Papers on Algebra09 Abstract algebra
Novy, LubosOrigins of Modern Algebra09 Abstract algebra
Rotman, Joseph J.Advanced Modern Algebra09 Abstract algebra
Sah, Chih-hanAbstract Algebra09 Abstract algebra
Shapiro, LouisIntroduction to Abstract Algebra09 Abstract algebra
Teil, ErsterModerne Algebra09 Abstract algebra
Urner, SamuelInterediate Algebra09 Abstract algebra
Weiss, MarieHigher Algebra for the Undergraduates09 Abstract algebra
van der Waerden, B.L.Modern Algebra09 Abstract algebra
van der Waerden, B.L.Modern Algebra09 Abstract algebra
van der Waerden, B.L.Modern Algebra - Volume I09 Abstract algebra