Author Title MSC2020 Area
Aleksandrov, P.S.Combinatorial Topology55 Algebraic topology
Alexandroff, PaulGrundbegriffe der Topologie55 Algebraic topology
Armstrong, Mark AnthonyBasic Topology55 Algebraic topology
Artin, EmilIntroduction to Algebraic Topology 55 Algebraic topology
Boron, Leo F.Introduction to General Topology55 Algebraic topology
Borsuk, KarolTheory of Retracts55 Algebraic topology
Conley, CharlesIsolated Invariant Sets and the Morse Index55 Algebraic topology
Cronin, Jane Fixed Points and Topological Degree in Nonlinear Analysis55 Algebraic topology
Fink, A.M.Delay and Differential Equations55 Algebraic topology
Greenberg, MarvinLectures on Algebraic Topology55 Algebraic topology
Hatcher, AllenAlgebraic Topology55 Algebraic topology
Hilton, P.J.Homology Theory55 Algebraic topology
Hu, Sze-TsenHomotopy Theory55 Algebraic topology
Hu , Szen-TsenTheory of Retracts55 Algebraic topology
Kauffman, LouisOn Knots55 Algebraic topology
Kowalski, H.J.Topological Spaces55 Algebraic topology
Lefschetz, SolomonAlgebraic Topology55 Algebraic topology
Lefschetz, Solomon Topics in Topology55 Algebraic topology
Lefschetz, SolomonTopology55 Algebraic topology
Livingston, Charles Knot Theory55 Algebraic topology
Massey, William S.Algebraic Topology: An Introduction55 Algebraic topology
Ore, OysteinTheory of Graphs55 Algebraic topology
Pontryagain, L.S.Foundations of Combinatorial Topology55 Algebraic topology
Reidemeister, Kurt Kombinatorische Topolgy55 Algebraic topology
Reidemeister, K.Knotentheorie55 Algebraic topology
Shashkin, YuFixed Points55 Algebraic topology
Sneddon, L.NAlgebraic Topology55 Algebraic topology
Swan, Richard The Theory of Sheaves55 Algebraic topology
Weil, A.Fiber Spaces55 Algebraic topology
Whyburn, Gordon T.Topological Analysis55 Algebraic topology