Adams, William | Introduction to Number Theory | 11 Number theory |
Alladi, K. | Analytic and Elementary Number Theory: A Tribute to the Mathematical Legend Paul Erdös | 11 Number theory |
Ash, Avner | Summing It Up: From One Plus One to Modern Number Theory | 11 Number theory |
Atkin, A.O.L. | Computers in Number Theory | 11 Number theory |
Ayoub, Raymond | An introduction to the Analytic Theory of Numbers | 11 Number theory |
Baker, Alan | Transcendental Number Theory | 11 Number theory |
Bennet, M.A. | Number Theory for the Millennium (Volumes I-III) | 11 Number theory |
Borwein, Jonathan | Pi and the AGM | 11 Number theory |
Bosma, Wieb | Primality Proving with Cyclotomy | 11 Number theory |
Buhler, J.P. | Algorithmic Number Theory | 11 Number theory |
Chandrasekharan, K. | Arithmetical Functions | 11 Number theory |
Chudnovsky, D.V. | Number Theory, New York 1985-88 | 11 Number theory |
Chudnovsky, D.V. | Number Theory: New York Seminar, 1991-1995 | 11 Number theory |
Conway, John | The Sensual Quadratic Form | 11 Number theory |
De Koninck, Jean-Marie | Thos Fascinating Numbers | 11 Number theory |
Delone, B.N. | The Theory of Irrationalities of the Third Degree | 11 Number theory |
Edwards, A.W.F. | Pascal's Arithmetical Triangle | 11 Number theory |
Erdos, Paul | Topics in the Theory of Numbers | 11 Number theory |
Gelfond, A.O. | Transcendental & Algebraic Numbers | 11 Number theory |
Giblin, Peter | Primes and Programming: An Introduction to Number Theory with Computing | 11 Number theory |
Grosswald, Emil | Topics from the Theory of Numbers | 11 Number theory |
Grosswold, Emil | Representations of Integers as Sums of Squares | 11 Number theory |
Guy, Richard | Unsolved Problems in Number Theory (Volume I) | 11 Number theory |
Hoggatt, Jr, Verner | Fibbonacci and Lucas Numbers | 11 Number theory |
Jones, Burton | The Arithmetic Theory of Quadratic Forms | 11 Number theory |
Jones, Burton | The Arithmetic Theory of Quadratic Forms | 11 Number theory |
Jordan, James | Proceedings of the Washington State University Conference on Number Theory March 1971 | 11 Number theory |
Katz, Nicholas | Exponential Sums and Differential Equations | 11 Number theory |
Klee, Victor | Old and New Unsolved Problems in Plane Geometry and Number Theory | 11 Number theory |
Koshy, Thomas | Pell and Pell-Lucas Numbers with Applications | 11 Number theory |
Kubilius, J. | Probabilistic Methods in the Theory of Numbers | 11 Number theory |
Lagarias, Jeffrey | The Ultimate Challenge: The 3x+1 Problem | 11 Number theory |
LeVeque, W.J. | Studies in Number Theory | 11 Number theory |
Lenstra, A.K. | The Development of the Number Field Sieve | 11 Number theory |
McCarthy, Paul J. | Algebraic Extensions of Fields | 11 Number theory |
McKean, Henry | Elliptic Curves: Function Theory, Geometry, Arithmetic | 11 Number theory |
Miller, Steven | An Invitation to Modern Number Theory | 11 Number theory |
Nathanson, Melvyn | Number Theory Carbondale 1979, Proceedings | 11 Number theory |
Pieper, Herbert | Variationen über ein Zahlentheoretisches Thema von C.F. Gauß | 11 Number theory |
Pollard, Harry | The Theory of Algebraic Numbers | 11 Number theory |
Ribenboim, Paulo | My Numbers, My Friends: Popular Lectures on Number Theory | 11 Number theory |
Ribenboim, Paulo | 13 Lectures on Fermat's Last Theorem | 11 Number theory |
Rose, H.E. | A Course in Number Theory | 11 Number theory |
Rothbart, Andrea | The Theory of Remainders | 11 Number theory |
Shapiro, Harold | Introduction to the Theory of Numbers | 11 Number theory |
Siegel, Carl | Lectures on Advanced Analytic Number Theory | 11 Number theory |
Silverman, Joseph H. | A Friendly Introduction to Number Theory | 11 Number theory |
Silverman, Joseph | The Arithmetic of Dynamical Systems | 11 Number theory |
Smart, Nigel | The Algorithmic Resolution of Diophantine Equations | 11 Number theory |
Stark, Harold | An Introduction to Number Theory | 11 Number theory |
Takahashi, Shuichi | Methodes Logiques en Geometrie Diophantienne | 11 Number theory |
Weber, Heinrich | Lehrbuch Der Algebra Vol. III | 11 Number theory |
Weber, Heinrich | Lehrbuch Der Algebra Vol. I | 11 Number theory |
Weil, André | Number Theory: An approach through history; From Hammurapi to Legendre | 11 Number theory |