Author Title MSC2020 Area
Anshel, MichaelMathematics of Information Processing; Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics Vol 3468 Computer science
Authors, VariousParallel Processor Systems, Technologies, and Applications68 Computer science
Bentley, JonProgramming Pearls68 Computer science
Book, Ronald V.Studies in Complexity Theory68 Computer science
Brassard, GilesAlgorithmics: Theory & Practice68 Computer science
Chou, Shang-ChingMachine Proofs in Geometry: Automated Production of Readable Proofs for Geometry Theorems68 Computer science
Devroye, LucLecture Notes on Bucket Algorithms68 Computer science
Downey, R.G.Parameterized Complexity68 Computer science
Du, Ding-ZhuTheory of Computational Complexity68 Computer science
Du, Ding-ZhuDesign and Analysis of Approximation Algorithms68 Computer science
Engeler, ErwinFormal Languages68 Computer science
Engeler, ErwinIntroduction to the Theory of Computation68 Computer science
Goldstine, HermanThe Computer From Pascal to von Neumann68 Computer science
Gu, XiangfengComputational Conformal Geometry68 Computer science
Hammack, BillAlbert Michelson's Harmonic Analyzer: A Visual Tour of a Nineteenth Century Machine tha Performs Fourier Analysis68 Computer science
Hartmanis, J.Algebraic Structure Theory of Sequential Machines68 Computer science
Hearn, RobertGames, Puzzles and Computation68 Computer science
Hopcroft, John Formal Languages and Their Relation to Automata68 Computer science
Kearns, Michael An Introduction to Computational Learning Theory68 Computer science
Kemp, RanierFundamentals of the Average Case Analysis of Particular Algorithms68 Computer science
Knuth, DonaldThe Art of Computer Programming: Volume 4, Fascicle 168 Computer science
Knuth, DonaldThe Art of Computer Programming: Volume 4, Fascicle 068 Computer science
Knuth, DonaldThe Art of Computer Programming: Volume 4, Fascicle 268 Computer science
Knuth, DonaldThe Art of Computer Programming: Volume 4, Fascicle 368 Computer science
Knuth, DonaldThe Art of Computer Programming: Volume 4, Fascicle 468 Computer science
Lenstra, J.K.Interfaces Between Computer Science and Operations Research68 Computer science
Lovász, LászlóAn Algorithmic Theory of Numbers, Graphs, and Convexity68 Computer science
Mahmoud, HosamSorting, A Distribution Theory68 Computer science
Markov, A.A.Theory of Algorithms 68 Computer science
Minsky, Marvin L.Computation: Finite and Infinite Machines68 Computer science
Moret, B.M.E.Algorithms from P to NP; Volume 1: Design & Efficiency68 Computer science
Paterson, M.S.Boolean Function Complexity68 Computer science
Peitgen, Heinz-OttoThe Science of Fractal Images68 Computer science
Pollack, S.V.Studies in Computer Science68 Computer science
Reed, DanielScalable Input/Output68 Computer science
Rubinstein, ReuvenSimulation and the Monte Carlo Method68 Computer science
Sankoff, DavidTime Warps, String Edits, and Macromolecules: The Theory and Practice of Sequence Comparison68 Computer science
Sedgewick, RobertAlgorithms in C: Part 568 Computer science
Sedgewick, RobertAlgorithms in C: Parts 1-468 Computer science
Sipser, MichaelIntroduction to the Theory of Computation68 Computer science
Wolfram, StephenTheory and Applications of Cellular Automata68 Computer science
Wu, Wen-tsünMechanical Theorem Proving in Geometries68 Computer science
von zur Gathen, JoachimModern Computer Algebra68 Computer science
nan, nanComputer Science: Reflections on the Field, Reflections from the Field68 Computer science