Author Title MSC2020 Area
Bers, LipmanIntroduction to Several Complex Variables32 Several complex variables
Bers, LipmanRiemann Surfaces32 Several complex variables
Bochner, SalomonSeveral Complex Variales32 Several complex variables
D'Angelo, JohnInequalities from Complex Analysis32 Several complex variables
Fuks, BIntroduction to the Theory of Analytic Functions of Several Complex Variables32 Several complex variables
Gunning, RobertAnalytic Functions of Several Complex Variables32 Several complex variables
Hormander, LarsIntroducton to Complex Analysis in Several Variables32 Several complex variables
Hormander, LarsAn Introduction to Complex Analysis in Several Variables32 Several complex variables
Hua, LHarmonic Analysis of Functions of Several Complex Variables in the Classic Domains32 Several complex variables
Narasimhan, RaghavanSeveral Complex Variables32 Several complex variables
Osgood, WilliamTopics in the Theory of Functions of Several Complex Variables32 Several complex variables
Rudin, WalterFunction Theory in Polydiscs32 Several complex variables
Scheidemann, VolkerIntroduction to Complex Analysis in Several Variables32 Several complex variables