Author Title MSC2020 Area
Acton, FormanNumerical Methods That Work65 Numerical analysis
Ahmadi, MohammadIntroduction to Statistics An Applications Approach65 Numerical analysis
Akai, TerrenceApplied Numerical Methods for Engineers65 Numerical analysis
Albrect, J.Numerical Treatment of Integral Equations65 Numerical analysis
Ames, WilliamNumerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations65 Numerical analysis
Atkinson, KendallElementary Numerical Analysis65 Numerical analysis
Atkinson, KendallA Survey of Numerical Methods for the Solution of Fredholm Integral Equations 65 Numerical analysis
Atkinson, KendallAn Introduction to Numerical Analysis65 Numerical analysis
Baker, C.T.H.The Numerical Treatment of Integral Equations65 Numerical analysis
Bateman, HarryHigher Transcendental Functions65 Numerical analysis
Boor, Carl D.A Practical Guide to Splines65 Numerical analysis
Brandt, AchiMulti-grid Techniques: Guide with Applications to Fluid Dynamics65 Numerical analysis
Brauer, W.Fundamentals of Algebraic Specification I65 Numerical analysis
Brenan, K.E.Numerical Solution of Initial Value Problems in Differential-Algebraic Equations65 Numerical analysis
Buckingham, R.A.Numerical Methods65 Numerical analysis
Burnett, DavidFinite Element Analysis65 Numerical analysis
Ciarlet, PhilippeThe Finite Method for Elliptic Problems65 Numerical analysis
Ciarlet, PhilippeNumerical Analysis of the Finite Element Method65 Numerical analysis
Conte, S.D.Elementary Numerical Analysis: An Algorithmic Approach65 Numerical analysis
Datta, BiswaNumerical Linear Algebra and Applications65 Numerical analysis
Daubechies, Ingrid Ten Lectures on Wavelets65 Numerical analysis
Davis, PhillipNumerical Integration65 Numerical analysis
Delves, L. M.Computational Methods for Integral Equations65 Numerical analysis
Demmel, JamesApplied Numerical Linear Algebra65 Numerical analysis
Dongarra, JackSolving Linear Systems on Vector and Shared Memory Computers65 Numerical analysis
Duff, I. S.Direct Method for Sparse Matrices65 Numerical analysis
Faddeeva, V.N.Computational Methods of Linear Algebra65 Numerical analysis
Forsythe, GeorgeComputer Methods for Mathematical Computations65 Numerical analysis
Freeman, T. L.Parallel Numerical Analysis65 Numerical analysis
Froberg, Carl-ErikNumerical Analysis65 Numerical analysis
Fröberg, Carl-ErikIntroduction to Numerical Analysis65 Numerical analysis
Gear, C. WilliamNumerical Initial Value Problems in Ordinary Differential Equations65 Numerical analysis
Gerald, CurtisApplied Numerical Analysis65 Numerical analysis
Girault, VivetteFinite Element Methods for Navier-Stokes Equations Theory and Algorithms65 Numerical analysis
Gockenbach, MarkUnderstanding and Implementing the Finite Element Method65 Numerical analysis
Golub, Gene H.Matrix Computations 65 Numerical analysis
Griewank, AndreasEvaluating Derivatives: Principles and Techniques of Algorithmic Differentiation65 Numerical analysis
Hackbusch, WoflgangMulti-Grid Methods and Applications65 Numerical analysis
Hairer, E.Solving Ordinary Differential Equations II: Stiff and Differential-Algebraic Problems65 Numerical analysis
Henrici, PeterElementary Numerical Analysis65 Numerical analysis
Henrici, Peter Elements of Numerical Analysis65 Numerical analysis
Hildebrand, F.B.Introduction to Numerical Analysis65 Numerical analysis
Hilton , E.Finite Element Programming65 Numerical analysis
Hodgman, CharlesMathematical Tables from Handbook of Chemistry & Physics65 Numerical analysis
Householder, Alston The Theory of Matrices in Numerical Analysis/ 65 Numerical analysis
Hämmerlin, G.Improperly Posed Problems and Their Numerical Treatment65 Numerical analysis
Hämmerlin, GüntherNumerical Mathematics65 Numerical analysis
Isaacson, EugeneAnalysis of Numerical Methods65 Numerical analysis
Jahnke, EugeneTables of Functions65 Numerical analysis
Johnson, Lee W.Numerical Analysis65 Numerical analysis
Lambert, J.D.Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Systems65 Numerical analysis
Milne, William Numerical Calculus65 Numerical analysis
Milne, WilliamNumerical Solutions of Differential Equations65 Numerical analysis
Moler, Cleve Numerical Computing with MATLAB65 Numerical analysis
Morgan, AlexanderSolving Polynomial Systems using Continuation for Engineering and Scientific Problems65 Numerical analysis
Nussbaumer, H.J.Fast Fourier Transform and Convolution Algorithms65 Numerical analysis
Ortega, James M.Numerical Methods for Differential Equations65 Numerical analysis
Ortega, James Studies in Numerical Analysis II65 Numerical analysis
Parlett, BeresfordThe Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem65 Numerical analysis
Payne, FredIntegral Methods in Science and Engineering65 Numerical analysis
Prenter, P.M. Splines and Variational Methods65 Numerical analysis
Quarteroni, AlfioNumerical Approximation of Partial Differential Equations65 Numerical analysis
Rice, John R.Matrix Computations and Mathematical Software65 Numerical analysis
Richtmyer, RobertDifference Methods for Initial Value Problems65 Numerical analysis
Roos, H.-G.Numerical Methods for Singularly Perturbed Differential Equations65 Numerical analysis
Salamon, PeterFacts Conjectures, and Improvements for Simulated Annealing65 Numerical analysis
Schroder, JohannOperator Inequalities65 Numerical analysis
Schwarz, H.R.Methode der finiten Elemente65 Numerical analysis
Sewell, GranvilleAnalysis of a Finite Element Method: PDE/Protran65 Numerical analysis
Singer, JamesElements of Numerical Analysis65 Numerical analysis
Smith, G.D.Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations and Finite Difference Methods65 Numerical analysis
Snyder, MartinChebyshev Methods in Numerical Approximation65 Numerical analysis
Stoer, J.Introduction to Numerical Analysis65 Numerical analysis
Süli, EndreAn Introduction to Numerical Analysis65 Numerical analysis
Tikhonov, A.N. Solutions of Ill-Posed Problems65 Numerical analysis
Trefethen, LloydNumerical Linear Algebra65 Numerical analysis
Varga, RichardMatrix Iterative Analysis65 Numerical analysis
Varga, Richard S.Matrix Iterative Analysis65 Numerical analysis
Watkins, DavidFundamentals of Matrix Computations65 Numerical analysis
Wendroff, BurtonTheoretical Numerical Analysis65 Numerical analysis
Wilde, DouglassOptimum Seeking Methods65 Numerical analysis
Wilkinson, J.H.The Algebraic Eigenvalue Problem65 Numerical analysis
Wilkinson, J.H.Linear Algebra65 Numerical analysis