Author Title MSC2020 Area
Abraham, RalphFoundations of Mechanics70 Mechanics of particles and systems
Goldstein, Herbert Classical Mechanics70 Mechanics of particles and systems
Graffunder, Andreas Advances in Control Systems and Signal Processing70 Mechanics of particles and systems
Kilmister, C.W.Hamiltonian Dynamics70 Mechanics of particles and systems
Lyapunov, A.M.Lecture on The Theory of Mechanics70 Mechanics of particles and systems
MacMillan, William Theoretical Mechanics: Dynamics of Rigid Bodies70 Mechanics of particles and systems
Osgood, William Mechanics 70 Mechanics of particles and systems
Pollard, Harry Mathematical Introduction to Celestial Mechanics70 Mechanics of particles and systems
Symon, Keith R.Mechanics 70 Mechanics of particles and systems
Thornton, MarionClassical Dynamics of Particles and Systems70 Mechanics of particles and systems
Whittaker, E.T.Analytical Dynamics70 Mechanics of particles and systems