Author Title MSC2020 Area
Coxeter, H.S.M.Regular Polytopes50 (51) Geometry
Coxeter, H.S.MRegular Polytopes50 (51) Geometry
Heyting, AAxiomatic Projective Geometry50 (51) Geometry
Maxwell, E.A.The Methods of Plane Projective Geometry Based on the Use of General Homogeneous Coordinates50 (51) Geometry
Maxwell, E.A.The Methods of Plane Projective Geometry50 (51) Geometry
Pickert, GunterProjective Ebenen50 (51) Geometry
Pogorelov, A.Geometry50 (51) Geometry
Pogorelov, A.Geometry50 (51) Geometry
Robinson, G.The Foundations of Geometry 50 (51) Geometry
Segre, BeniaminoLecture on Modern Geometry50 (51) Geometry
Wenninger, MagnusPolyhedron Models50 (51) Geometry