Bachem, A. | Mathematical Programming: The State of the Art Bonn 1982 | 90 Operations research, mathematical programming |
Chong, Edwin | An Introduction to Optimization | 90 Operations research, mathematical programming |
Cook, William | In Pursuit of the Traveling Salesman: Mathematics at the Limits of Computation | 90 Operations research, mathematical programming |
Dantzig, Goerge | Mathematics of the Decision Sciences | 90 Operations research, mathematical programming |
Fletcher, Roger | Practical Methods of Optimization, Volume 1: Unconstrained Optimization | 90 Operations research, mathematical programming |
Gass, Saul I. | Linear Programming | 90 Operations research, mathematical programming |
Hammer, P.L. | Discrete Optimization I | 90 Operations research, mathematical programming |
Hu, T.C. | Integer Programming and Network Flows | 90 Operations research, mathematical programming |
Karlin, Samuel | Mathematical Methods and Theory in Games, Programming and Economic | 90 Operations research, mathematical programming |
Kemeny, John G. | Introduction to Finite Mathematics | 90 Operations research, mathematical programming |
Kuhn, H.M. | Linear Inequalities and Related Systems | 90 Operations research, mathematical programming |
Kuhn, H.W. | Contributions to the Theory of Games | 90 Operations research, mathematical programming |
Lawler, E.L. | The Traveling Salesman Problem | 90 Operations research, mathematical programming |
Luenberger, David | Optimization by Vector Space Methods | 90 Operations research, mathematical programming |
Luenberger, David | Linear and Nonlinear Programming | 90 Operations research, mathematical programming |
Milnoux, M. | Mathematical Programming: Theory and Algorithms | 90 Operations research, mathematical programming |
Mital , K.V. | Optimization Methods | 90 Operations research, mathematical programming |
Padberg, Manfred | Linear Optimization and Extensions | 90 Operations research, mathematical programming |
Papadimitriou, Christos | Combinatorial Optimization: Algorithms and Complexity | 90 Operations research, mathematical programming |
Rockafellar, R.T. | Networks Flows and Monotropic Optimization | 90 Operations research, mathematical programming |
Rockafellar, R.T. | Network Flows and Monotropic Optimization | 90 Operations research, mathematical programming |
Spall, James | Introduction to Stochastic Search and Optimization: Estimation, Simulation, and Control | 90 Operations research, mathematical programming |
Sposito, V.A. | Linear and Non-linear Programming | 90 Operations research, mathematical programming |
Taylor, Alan | Mathematics and Politics: Strategy, Voting, Power and Proof | 90 Operations research, mathematical programming |