Author Title MSC2020 Area
Bachem, A.Mathematical Programming: The State of the Art Bonn 198290 Operations research, mathematical programming
Chong, EdwinAn Introduction to Optimization90 Operations research, mathematical programming
Cook, WilliamIn Pursuit of the Traveling Salesman: Mathematics at the Limits of Computation90 Operations research, mathematical programming
Dantzig, GoergeMathematics of the Decision Sciences90 Operations research, mathematical programming
Fletcher, RogerPractical Methods of Optimization, Volume 1: Unconstrained Optimization90 Operations research, mathematical programming
Gass, Saul I.Linear Programming90 Operations research, mathematical programming
Hammer, P.L.Discrete Optimization I90 Operations research, mathematical programming
Hu, T.C.Integer Programming and Network Flows90 Operations research, mathematical programming
Karlin, SamuelMathematical Methods and Theory in Games, Programming and Economic90 Operations research, mathematical programming
Kemeny, John G. Introduction to Finite Mathematics90 Operations research, mathematical programming
Kuhn, H.M.Linear Inequalities and Related Systems90 Operations research, mathematical programming
Kuhn, H.W.Contributions to the Theory of Games90 Operations research, mathematical programming
Lawler, E.L.The Traveling Salesman Problem90 Operations research, mathematical programming
Luenberger, DavidOptimization by Vector Space Methods90 Operations research, mathematical programming
Luenberger, DavidLinear and Nonlinear Programming90 Operations research, mathematical programming
Milnoux, M.Mathematical Programming: Theory and Algorithms90 Operations research, mathematical programming
Mital , K.V.Optimization Methods90 Operations research, mathematical programming
Padberg, ManfredLinear Optimization and Extensions90 Operations research, mathematical programming
Papadimitriou, ChristosCombinatorial Optimization: Algorithms and Complexity90 Operations research, mathematical programming
Rockafellar, R.T.Networks Flows and Monotropic Optimization90 Operations research, mathematical programming
Rockafellar, R.T.Network Flows and Monotropic Optimization90 Operations research, mathematical programming
Spall, JamesIntroduction to Stochastic Search and Optimization: Estimation, Simulation, and Control90 Operations research, mathematical programming
Sposito, V.A.Linear and Non-linear Programming90 Operations research, mathematical programming
Taylor, AlanMathematics and Politics: Strategy, Voting, Power and Proof90 Operations research, mathematical programming