Anderson, T.W. | Probability, Statistics, and Mathematics: Papers in Honor of Samuel Karlin | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Ash, Robert | Basic Probability Theory | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Athreya, K.B. | Branching Processes | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Authors, Various | Stochastic Differential Equations | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Berman, Simeon | The Elements of Probability | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Billingsley, Patrick | Probability and Measure | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Billingsley, Patrick | Probability and Measure | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Blumenthal, Robert M. | Markov Processes and Potential Theory | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Bougerol, Philippe | Products of Random Matrices with Applications to Schrodinger Operators | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Breiman, Leo | Probability | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Breiman, Leo | Probability | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Brémaud, Pierre | An Introduction to Probabilistic Modeling | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Chung, Kai Lai | Lectures from Markov Processes to Brownian Motion | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Chung, Kai Lai | A course in Probability Theory | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Cohen, Joel E. | Random Matrices and Their Applications - Proceedings of a Summer Research Conference held June 17—23, 1984 | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Davis, M.H.A | Lectures on Stochastic Control and Nonlinear Filtering | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
De Finetti, Bruno | Theory of Probability (Volume 2) | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
De Finetti, Bruno | Theory of Probability (Volume 1) | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Diaconis, Persi | Group Representations in Probability and Statistics | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Dinculeanu, Nicolae | Vector Integration and Stochastic Integration in Banach Spaces | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Disney, Ralph | Applied Probability - Computer Science The Interface Volume I | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Disney, Ralph | Applied Probability - Computer Science The Interface Volume II | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Dubins, Lester | Inequalities for Stochastic Processes | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Durrett, Rick | Elementary Probability for Applications | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Durrett, Richard | Brownian Motion and Martingales in Analysis | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Ethier, Stewart N. | Markov Procsses and Related Topics: A Festschrift for Thomas G. Kurtz | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Feller, William | Probability Theory and its Application | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Feller, William | An Introduction to Probability Theory and its Applications Volume 2 | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Feller, William | An Introduction to Probability Theory and its Applications | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Grimmett, G.R. | Probability and Random Processes: Problems and Solutions | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Grimmett, G.R. | Probability and Random Processes | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Halmos, Paul | Lectures on Ergodic Theory | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Hanson, Floyd | Applied Stochastic Processes and Control for Jump-Diffusions | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Hsu, Elton | Probability Theory and Applications | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Ikeda, Nobuyuki | Stochastic Differential Equations and Diffusion Processes | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Ito, K. | Lectures on Stochastic Processes | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Itô, Kiyosi | Foundations of Stochastic Differential Equations in Infinite Dimensional Spaces | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Kemeny, John G. | Denumerable Markov Chains | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Kifer, Yuri | Ergodic Theory of Random Transformations | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Kindermann, Ross | Markov Random Fields and their Applications | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Klimov, G. | Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Kolmogorov, A.M. | Foundation of the Theory of Probability | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Larson, Harold | Introduction to Probability Theory and Statistical Inference | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Lesigne, Emmanuel | Heads or Tails: An Introduction to Limit Theorems in Probability | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Lipschutz, Seymour | Schaum's Probability | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Louchard, G. | Probability Theory and Computer Science | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Mao, Xuerong | Stochastic Differential Equations and their Applications | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Matheron, Georges | Random Sets and Integral Geometry | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
McKean, Jr., Henry P. | Stochastic Integrals | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Mikosch, Thomas | Elementary Stochastic Calculus with Finance in View | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Neveu, Jaques | The Calculus of Probability | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Parthasharathy, K. R. | Probability Measures on Metric Spaces | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Parzen, Emanuel | Modern Probability Theory and Its Applications | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Pitman, Jim | Probabiltiy | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Prabhu, N.U. | Stochastic Processes | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Rosenblatt, Murray | Studies in Probability Theory | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Ross, Sheldon M. | Stochastic Processes | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Rozanov, Yu | Markov Random Fields | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Seneta, E. | Non-Negative Matrices and Markov Chains | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Shiryayev, A.N. | Probability | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Silver, Nate | The Signal and The Noise: Why So Many Predictions Fail - But Some Don't | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Skiena, Steven | Calculated Bets: Computers, Gambling, and Mathematical Modeling to Win | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Skorokhod, A.V. | Studies in the Theory of Random Processes | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Snell, J. Laurie | Introduction to Probability | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Spitzer, Frank | Principles of Random Walk | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Stirzaker, David | Probability and Random Variables: A Beginners Guide | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Stroock, D.W. | Multidimensional Diffusion Processes | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Stroock, D.W. | An Introduction to the Theory of Large Deviations | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Syski, R. | Random Processes: A First Look | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Taylor, Howard | An Introduction to Stochastic Modeling | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Thompson Jr., W.A. | Applied Probability | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Uspensky, J.V. | Introduction to Mathematical Probability | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Watanabe, S. | Lectures on Stochastic Differential Equations and Mallavin Calculus | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Wax, Nelson | Noise and Stochastic Processes | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Weaver, Warren | Lady Luck; The Theory of Probability | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Wiener, Norbert | Extrapolation, Interpolation and Smoothing of Stationary Time Series | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Wiener, Norbert | Nonlinear Problems in Random Theory | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Yaglom, A.M. | An Introduction to the Theory of Stationary Random Functions | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Yates, Roy D. | Probability and Stochastic Processes | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Yor, Marc | Some Aspects of Brownian Motion - Part I: Some Special Functions | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
de Gunst, Mathisca | State of the Art in Probability and Statistics, Festschrift for Willem R. van Zwet | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |