Author Title MSC2020 Area
Artin, EmilGeometric Algebra14 Algebraic geometry
Artin, E.Introductory Lectures on Algebraic Geometry14 Algebraic geometry
Bump, DanielAlgebraic Geometry14 Algebraic geometry
Coble, Arthur B.Algebraic Geometry and Theta Functions14 Algebraic geometry
Fulton, WilliamAlgebraic Curves14 Algebraic geometry
Goppa, V.D.Geometry and Codes14 Algebraic geometry
Hirzebruch, F.Topological Methods in Algebraic Geometry 14 Algebraic geometry
Kirwan, FrancesComplex Algebraic Curves14 Algebraic geometry
Lang, SergeAlgebraic Functions14 Algebraic geometry
Lefschetz, SolomonAlgebraic Geometry 14 Algebraic geometry
Moore, John T.Elements of Abstract Algebra14 Algebraic geometry
Shafarevich, I.R.Basic Algebraic Geometry14 Algebraic geometry
Tsfasman, M.A.Algebraic-Geometric Codes14 Algebraic geometry
Weil, AndreFoundations of Algebraic Geometry14 Algebraic geometry
Zariski, Oscar Oscar Zariski: Collected Papers14 Algebraic geometry
van Wee, G.J.MCovering Codes, Perfect Codes, and Codes from Algebraic Curves14 Algebraic geometry
nan, nanLectures in Cohomology and Homotopy14 Algebraic geometry