Author Title MSC2020 Area
Bransford, John D.How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School97 Mathematics education
Burkhardt, HughThe Real World and Mathematics97 Mathematics education
Friedberg, SolomonTeaching Mathematics in Colleges and Universities: Case Studies for Today's Classroom97 Mathematics education
Hansen, David T.The Call to Teach97 Mathematics education
Howard, Heidi A.Teaching Guide for First-Time Instruction of For All Practical Purposes97 Mathematics education
Howard, Heidi A.Student Solutions Manual to Accompany For All Practical Purposes97 Mathematics education
Howard, Heidi A.Student Study Guide to Accompany For All Practical Purposes97 Mathematics education
Huba, Mary E.Learner-Centered Assessment on College Campuses: Shifting the Focus from Teaching to Learning97 Mathematics education
Kilpatrick, JeremyAdding It Up: Helping Children Learn Mathematics97 Mathematics education
Kouzes, JamesThe Student Leadership Challenge97 Mathematics education
Luebeck, JenniferMathematics Teaching: Putting Research into Practive at All Levels97 Mathematics education
Luttrell, WendySchoolsmart and Motherwise97 Mathematics education
Rosskopf, MyronGeometry: A Perspective View97 Mathematics education
Seldin, PeterThe Teaching Portfolio97 Mathematics education
Shavelson, Richard J.Scientific Research in Education97 Mathematics education
Stubblefield, BeauregardAn Intuitive Approach to Elementary Geometry97 Mathematics education