Author Title MSC2020 Area
Armstrong, M.A.Groups and Symmetry20 Group theory and generalizations
Barut, A.Theory of Group Representations and Applications20 Group theory and generalizations
Benson, D.J.Representations and Cohomology20 Group theory and generalizations
Brown, KennethBuildings20 Group theory and generalizations
Burnside, W.Theory of Groups of Finite Order20 Group theory and generalizations
Charmichael, RobertIntroduction to the Theory of Groups of Finite Order20 Group theory and generalizations
Conway, JohnThe Symmetries of Things20 Group theory and generalizations
Dickson, LLinear Groups With an exposition of the Galois Field Theory20 Group theory and generalizations
Dixon, John D.Problems in Group Theory20 Group theory and generalizations
Elhamdadi, MohamedQuandles: An Introduction to the Algebra of Knots20 Group theory and generalizations
Feit, WalterCharacters of Finite Groups20 Group theory and generalizations
Fuchs, LaszloInfinite Abelian Groups20 Group theory and generalizations
Gorenstein, DanielFinite Simple Groups20 Group theory and generalizations
Hall, MarshallThe Theory of Groups20 Group theory and generalizations
Hargittai, I.Symmetry 2: Unifying Human Understanding (Part I)20 Group theory and generalizations
Hayes, BrianGroup Theory in the Bedroom20 Group theory and generalizations
James, GordonRepresentations and Characters of Groups20 Group theory and generalizations
Kaplansky, Irving Infinite Abelian Groups20 Group theory and generalizations
Kirillov, AleksandrElements of the Theory of Representations20 Group theory and generalizations
Kochendorffer, RudolfGroup Theory in the Bedroom20 Group theory and generalizations
Lallement, GerardSemigroups and Combinatorial Applications20 Group theory and generalizations
Littlewood, DudleyThe Theory of Group Charaters and Matrix Representations20 Group theory and generalizations
Mackey, G.W.The Theory of Group Representations (Lecture Notes)20 Group theory and generalizations
Mackey, G.W.The Theory of Group Representations20 Group theory and generalizations
Magnus, WilhelmCombinatorial Group Theory: Presentations of Groups in Terms of Generators and Relations20 Group theory and generalizations
Mathewson, Louis ClarkElementary Theory of Finite Groups20 Group theory and generalizations
Neumann, B.H.Lectures on Topics in the Theory of Infinite Groups20 Group theory and generalizations
Petrich, MarioIntroduction to Semigroups20 Group theory and generalizations
Polites, GeorgeAn Introduction to the Theory of Groups20 Group theory and generalizations
Ribenboim, PauloLinear Representations of Finite Groups20 Group theory and generalizations
Robinson, DerekA Course in the Theory of Groups20 Group theory and generalizations
Rotman, JosephThe Theory of Groups20 Group theory and generalizations
Sagan, BruceThe Symmetric Group: Representations, Combinatorial Algorithms, and Symmetric Functions20 Group theory and generalizations
Schenkman, EugeneGroup Theory20 Group theory and generalizations
Serre, J.-P.Linear Representation of Finite Groups20 Group theory and generalizations
Springer, T.Linear Algebraic Groups20 Group theory and generalizations
Srinivasan, BhamaRepresentation of Finite Chevalley Groups 20 Group theory and generalizations
Stewart, IanSymmetry: A Very Short Introduction20 Group theory and generalizations
Varopoulos, N.Analysis and Geometry of Groups20 Group theory and generalizations
Vilenkin, NSpecial Functions and the Theory of Group Representatinos20 Group theory and generalizations
de la Harpe, PierreTopics in Geometric Group Theory20 Group theory and generalizations
nan, nanProceeding of Symposia in Pure Mathematics20 Group theory and generalizations
nan, nanGroups and Universal Algebras20 Group theory and generalizations
nan, nanSeminar Notes on Semigroups20 Group theory and generalizations