Author Title MSC2020 Area
Beckenbach, EdwinModern Mathematics for the Engineer69 Mathematical physics and engineering
Choquet-Bruhat, Y.Problems and Solutions in Mathematical Physics69 Mathematical physics and engineering
Feynman, RichardThe Feynman Lectures on Physics69 Mathematical physics and engineering
Friedman, BernardLectures on Applications-Oriented Mathematics69 Mathematical physics and engineering
Goertzel, GeraldSome Mathematical Methods of Physics69 Mathematical physics and engineering
Hylleraas, Egil A.Mathematical and Theoretical Physics Volume 169 Mathematical physics and engineering
Hylleraas, Egil A.Mathematical and Theoretical Physics Volume 269 Mathematical physics and engineering
Johnson, DavidMathematical Methods in Engineering and Physics69 Mathematical physics and engineering
Lebedev, N.N.Worked Problems in Applied Mathematics69 Mathematical physics and engineering
Mandelbrot, BenoitFractals: Form, Chance, and Dimension69 Mathematical physics and engineering
Mathews, JonMathematical Methods of Physics69 Mathematical physics and engineering
Noble, BenApplications of Undergraduate Mathematics in Engineering69 Mathematical physics and engineering
Sokolnikoff, I.S.Mathematics of Physics and Modern Engineering69 Mathematical physics and engineering
Wilf, HerbertMathematics for the Physical Sciences69 Mathematical physics and engineering