Author Title MSC2020 Area
Akhiezer, N.I.Theory of Linear Operators in Hilbert Space. Volume I47 Operator theory
Akhiezer, N.I.Theory of Linear Operators in Hilbert Space. Volume II47 Operator theory
Antonevich, Anatollij Linear Functional Equations. Operator Approach47 Operator theory
Bachman, GeorgeFunctional Analysis47 Operator theory
Banach, StefanOperations Lineaires47 Operator theory
Browder, FelixNonlinear Operators in Banach Spaces47 Operator theory
Caradus, SOperator Theory of the Pseudo Inverse47 Operator theory
Colojoara, IonTheory of Generalized Spectral Operators47 Operator theory
Ernest, John Charting the Operator Terrain 47 Operator theory
Faris, William G.Self-Adjoint Operators47 Operator theory
Fillmore, Peter Notes on Operator Theory47 Operator theory
Friedrichs, K.O. Spectral Theory of Operators in Hilbert Space47 Operator theory
Goldberg, SeymourUnbounded Linear Operators: Theory and Applications47 Operator theory
Goldberg, Seymour Unbounded Linear Operators: Theory and Applications47 Operator theory
Halmos, Paul R.Introduction to Hilbert Space and the Theory of Spectral Multiplicity47 Operator theory
Halmos, Paul Introduction to Hibert Space47 Operator theory
Halmos, PaulA Hilbert Space Problem Book47 Operator theory
Hille, EinarFunctional Analysis and Semi-groups47 Operator theory
Kato, T.L.Perturbation Theory for Linear Operators47 Operator theory
Kuhn, H.W. Linear Inequalities and Related Systems47 Operator theory
Moore, E.H.General Analysis47 Operator theory
Müller-Pfeiffer, ErichSpectral Theory of Ordinary Diffential Operators47 Operator theory
Nelson, EdwardTopics in Dynamics I: Flows47 Operator theory
Neumann, John V.Functional Operators: Measures and Integrals47 Operator theory
Neumann, John V.Functional Operators: The Geometry of Orthogonal Spaces47 Operator theory
Pazy, A.Semigroups of Linear Operators and Applications to Partial Differential Equations47 Operator theory
Rado, Tibor Subharmonic Functions47 Operator theory
Raikov, Gelfand Commutative Normed Rings47 Operator theory
Rellich, FranzPerturbation Theory of Eigenvalue Problems47 Operator theory
Shapiro, Joel H.Composition Operators and Classical Function Theory47 Operator theory
Sinha, Kaylan B.Theory of Semigroups and Applications47 Operator theory
Sunder, V.S.Operators on Hilbert Space47 Operator theory
Zaidman, Samuel Equations Differentielles Abstraites47 Operator theory