Hackbusch, Woflgang | Multi-Grid Methods and Applications | 65 Numerical analysis |
Hadamard, Jacques | Lectures on Cauchy's Problem in Linear Partial Differential Equations | 35 Partial differential equations |
Hadlock, Charles R. | Field Theory AndIts Classical Problems | 12 Field theory and polynomials |
Hadwiger, Hugo | Combinatorial Geometry in the plane | 51 Geometry |
Haefliger, A. | Essays on Topology | 57 Manifolds and cell complexes |
Hahn, Alexander | Mathematical Excursions to the World's Great Buildings | 00 General and overarching topics; collections |
Hahn, Hans | Set Functions | 54 General topology |
Hairer, E. | Solving Ordinary Differential Equations II: Stiff and Differential-Algebraic Problems | 65 Numerical analysis |
Hajnal, A. | Infinite and Finite Sets (Vol I) | 05 Combinatorics |
Hajnal, A. | Infinite and Finite Sets (Vol II) | 05 Combinatorics |
Hajnal, A. | Infinite and Finite Sets (Vol III) | 05 Combinatorics |
Hajnal, A. | Finite and Infinite Sets (Vol I) | 05 Combinatorics |
Hajnal, A. | Finite and Infinite Sets (Vol II) | 05 Combinatorics |
Hale, Jack | Ordinary Differential Equations | 34 Ordinary differential equations |
Hale, Jack | Differential Equations and Dynamic Systems | 34 Ordinary differential equations |
Hale, Jack | Studies in Ordinary Differential Equations | 00 General and overarching topics; collections |
Hall, Marshall | The Theory of Groups | 20 Group theory and generalizations |
Hall, Marshall | Combinatorial Theory | 05 Combinatorics |
Hall, M. | Combinatorics | 05 Combinatorics |
Hall, Jr, M. | Combinatorics; Proceedings of the Advanced Study Institute on Combinatorics held at Nijenrode Castle, Breukelen, The Netherlands, July 8-20, 1974 | 05 Combinatorics |
Halmos, Paul | Measure Theory | 28 Measure and integration |
Halmos, Paul R. | Naïve Set Theory | 04 (03) Mathematical logic and foundations |
Halmos, Paul R. | Measure Theory | 28 Measure and integration |
Halmos, Paul R. | Introduction to Hilbert Space and the Theory of Spectral Multiplicity | 47 Operator theory |
Halmos, Paul | Introduction to Hibert Space | 47 Operator theory |
Halmos, Paul | I Have a Photographic Memory | 01 History and biography |
Halmos, P.R. | Notes on Boolean Algebras | 06 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures |
Halmos, Paul | Lectures on Ergodic Theory | 28 Measure and integration |
Halmos, Paul | I Want to Be a Mathematician: An Autobiography | 01 History and biography |
Halmos, Paul | A Hilbert Space Problem Book | 47 Operator theory |
Halmos, Paul | Lectures on Boolean Algebras | 06 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures |
Halmos, Paul | Lectures on Ergodic Theory | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Halász, G. | Irregularities of Partitions | 05 Combinatorics |
Hammack, Bill | Albert Michelson's Harmonic Analyzer: A Visual Tour of a Nineteenth Century Machine tha Performs Fourier Analysis | 68 Computer science |
Hammer, P.L. | Discrete Optimization I | 90 Operations research, mathematical programming |
Hancock, John C. | An Introduction to the Principles of Communcation Theory | 94 Information and communication |
Hancock, Harris | Lectures on the Theory of Elliptic Functions | 33 Special functions |
Hancock, Harris | Elliptic Integrals | 33 Special functions |
Hannsgen, Kenneth | Volterra and Functional Differential Equations | 45 Integral equations |
Hansen, David T. | The Call to Teach | 97 Mathematics education |
Hanson, Floyd | Applied Stochastic Processes and Control for Jump-Diffusions | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Harary, Frank | Proof Techniques in Graph Theory | 05 Combinatorics |
Harary, Frank | Graphical Enumeration | 05 Combinatorics |
Harary, Frank | Structural Models: An Introduction to the Theory of Directed Graphs | 05 Combinatorics |
Harary, Frank | Topics in Graph Theory | 05 Combinatorics |
Harary, Frank | Graph Theory and Theoretical Physics | 05 Combinatorics |
Harary, Frank | New Directions in The Theory of Graphs | 05 Combinatorics |
Harary, Frank | Graph Theory | 05 Combinatorics |
Hardt, Robert | Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations in Differential Geometry | 35 Partial differential equations |
Hardy, G.H. | Fourier Series | 42 Harmonic analysis |
Hardy, G.H. | Inequalities | 26 Real functions |
Hardy, G | Inequalities | 26 Real functions |
Hardy, G | Fourier Series | 42 Harmonic analysis |
Hardy, G.H. | The general theory of dirichlet series | 42 Harmonic analysis |
Hardy, G.H. | Divergent Series | 40 Sequences, series, summability |
Hardy, G | Course of Pure Mathematics | 26 Real functions |
Hargittai, I. | Symmetry 2: Unifying Human Understanding (Part I) | 20 Group theory and generalizations |
Harrington, L.A. | Harvey Friedman's Research on the Foundations of Mathematics | 03 Mathematical logic and foundations |
Harris, Michael | Mathematics Without Apologies | 00 General and overarching topics; collections |
Hartmanis, J. | Algebraic Structure Theory of Sequential Machines | 68 Computer science |
Hartshorne, Robin | Companion to Euclid | 51 Geometry |
Harwit, Martin | Hadamard Transform Optics | 78 Optics, electromagnetic theory |
Hasse, Helmut | Higher Algebra - Volume I: Linear Equations | 09 Abstract algebra |
Hasse, Helmut | Exercises to Higher Algebra | 09 Abstract algebra |
Hatcher, Allen | Algebraic Topology | 55 Algebraic topology |
Hathout, Dean | Wearing Gauss's Jersey | 00 General and overarching topics; collections |
Haug, Edward | Design Sensitivity Analysis of Structural Systems | 93 Systems theory; control |
Hausdorff, F | Mengenlehre | 03 Mathematical logic and foundations |
Hayes, Brian | Group Theory in the Bedroom | 20 Group theory and generalizations |
Hearn, Robert | Games, Puzzles and Computation | 68 Computer science |
Heath, Thomas | Aristarchus of Samos, The Ancient Copernicus | 01 History and biography |
Heath, Thomas | Euclid: The Thirteen books or The Elements | 51 Geometry |
Heath, Thomas | A History of Greek Mathematics: Volume II | 01 History and biography |
Heath, Thomas | Greek Mathematics | 01 History and biography |
Heath, Thomas | A History of Greek Mathematics: Volume I | 01 History and biography |
Heath, Thomas | Diophantus of Alexandria, A Study in the History of Algebra | 01 History and biography |
Hedrick, E | Elementary Mathematics | 00 General and overarching topics; collections |
Heins, Maurice | Selected Topics in the Classical Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable | 30 Functions of a complex variable |
Helgason, Sigurdur | Differential Geometry and Symmetrick Spaces | 53 Differential geometry |
Hell, Pavol | Graphs and Homomorphisms | 05 Combinatorics |
Hellinger, E. | Integralgleichungen Und Gleichungen MIT Unendlichvielen Unbekannten | 45 Integral equations |
Hellwig, Gunter | Partial Differential Equations | 35 Partial differential equations |
Hempel, John | 3-Manifolds | 57 Manifolds and cell complexes |
Henderson, David | Experiencing Geometry on Plane and Sphere | 51 Geometry |
Henderson, David | Experiencing Geometry on Plane and Sphere | 51 Geometry |
Henle, Jim | The Proof and the Pudding: What Mathematicians, Cooks and You Have in Common | 01 History and biography |
Henle, Michael | Martin Gardner in the Twenty-First Century | 01 History and biography |
Henrici, Peter | Applied and Computational Complex Analysis | 30 Functions of a complex variable |
Henrici, Peter | Elementary Numerical Analysis | 65 Numerical analysis |
Henrici, Peter | Discrete Variable Methods in Ordinary Differential Equations | 34 Ordinary differential equations |
Henrici, Peter | Applied and Computational Complex Analysis: Volume 2 | 30 Functions of a complex variable |
Henrici, Peter | Elements of Numerical Analysis | 65 Numerical analysis |
Henrici, Peter | Applied and Computational Complex Analysis | 30 Functions of a complex variable |
Henrici, Peter | Applied and Computational Complex Analysis: Volume 1 | 30 Functions of a complex variable |
Herdman, Terry | Integral and Functional Differential Equations | 45 Integral equations |
Hermann, Robert | Lie Groups for Physicists | 22 Topological groups, Lie groups |
Hermes, H | Enumerability, decidability, computability. An introduction to the theory of recursive functions | 03 Mathematical logic and foundations |
Hersh, Reuben | Experiencing Mathematics: What do we do, when we do mathematics? | 00 General and overarching topics; collections |
Herstein, I. N. | Abstract Algebra | 09 Abstract algebra |
Herstein, I.N. | Topics in Algebra | 09 Abstract algebra |
Herstein, I. N. | A Primer on Linear Algebra | 15 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory |
Herstein, I. M. | Topics in Ring Theory | 16 Associative rings and algebras |
Herstein, I.N. | Topics in Algebra | 09 Abstract algebra |
Herstein, I.N. | Noncommutative Rings | 16 Associative rings and algebras |
Hestenes, Magnus | Optimization Theory; The Finite Dimensional Case | 45 Integral equations |
Hewitt, Edwin | Real and Abstract Analysis | 26 Real functions |
Hey, Tony | The Computing Universe: A Journey Through a Revolution | 00 General and overarching topics; collections |
Heyting, A | Axiomatic Projective Geometry | 50 (51) Geometry |
Higgins, J | Completeness and Basis Properties of Sets of Special Functions | 33 Special functions |
Hilbert, David | Foundations of Geometry | 51 Geometry |
Hilbert, D | Mathematical Logic | 03 Mathematical logic and foundations |
Hilbert, David | Theory of Algebraic invariants | 13 Commutative algebra |
Hildebrand, F.B. | Introduction to Numerical Analysis | 65 Numerical analysis |
Hille, Einar | Ordinary Differential Equations in the Complex Domain | 34 Ordinary differential equations |
Hille, Einar | Functional Analysis and Semi-groups | 47 Operator theory |
Hille, Einar | Lectures on Ordinary Differential Equations | 34 Ordinary differential equations |
Hille, Einar | Analytic Function Theory | 30 Functions of a complex variable |
Hille, Einar | Functional Analysis and Semi-Groups | 46 Functional analysis |
Hilton, P.J. | Homology Theory | 55 Algebraic topology |
Hilton, P.J. | Studies in Modern Topology | 00 General and overarching topics; collections |
Hilton , E. | Finite Element Programming | 65 Numerical analysis |
Hirsch, Morris W. | Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems, and Linear Algebra | 34 Ordinary differential equations |
Hirschfeld, J.W.P. | Surveys in Combinatorics, 2001 | 05 Combinatorics |
Hirzebruch, F. | Topological Methods in Algebraic Geometry | 14 Algebraic geometry |
Hobson, E | Spherical and Ellipsoidal Harmonics | 33 Special functions |
Hochschild, G | The Structure of Lie Groups | 22 Topological groups, Lie groups |
Hochschild, G.P. | Lecture Notes on Lie Algebras | 17 Nonassociative rings and algebras |
Hochstadt, Harry | Functions of Mathematical Physics | 33 Special functions |
Hochstadt, Harry | Integral Equations | 45 Integral equations |
Hochstadt, Harry | Differential Equations | 34 Ordinary differential equations |
Hodgman, Charles | Mathematical Tables from Handbook of Chemistry & Physics | 65 Numerical analysis |
Hoffman, Kenneth | Banach Spaces of Analytic Functions | 46 Functional analysis |
Hoffman, Kenneth | Linear Algebra | 15 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory |
Hofmann, Joseph | Leibniz in Paris 1672-1676 | 01 History and biography |
Hogben, Leslie | Handbook of Linear Algebra | 15 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory |
Hogben, Lancelot | Mathematics for the Million | 00 General and overarching topics; collections |
Hogg, Robert | Introduction to Mathematical Statistics | 62 Statistics |
Hogg, Robert | Studies in Statistics | 00 General and overarching topics; collections |
Hoggatt, Jr, Verner | Fibbonacci and Lucas Numbers | 11 Number theory |
Holgate, T. F. | Projective Pure Geometry | 51 Geometry |
Holmes, Richard | A Course On Optimisation and Best Approximation | 49 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization |
Holton, D.A. | Combinatorial Mathematics; Proceedings of the Second Australian Conference | 05 Combinatorics |
Holton, D.A. | Combinatorial Mathematics: Proceedings, Canberra 1977 | 05 Combinatorics |
Honsberger, Ross | Mathematical Plums | 00 General and overarching topics; collections |
Honsberger, Ross | Mathematical Gems II | 00 General and overarching topics; collections |
Honsberger, Ross | Mathematical Gems | 00 General and overarching topics; collections |
Honsberger, Ross | Mathematical Morsels | 00 General and overarching topics; collections |
Honsberger, Ross | In Pólya's Footsteps: Miscellaneous Problems and Essays | 00 General and overarching topics; collections |
Hopcroft, John | Formal Languages and Their Relation to Automata | 68 Computer science |
Horadam, K.J. | Hadamard Matrices and Their Applications | 05 Combinatorics |
Hormander, Lars | The Analysis of Linear Partial Differential Operators II | 35 Partial differential equations |
Hormander, Lars | The Analysis of Linear Partial Differential Operators I | 35 Partial differential equations |
Hormander, Lars | The Analysis of Linear Partial Differential Operators IV | 35 Partial differential equations |
Hormander, Lars | Introducton to Complex Analysis in Several Variables | 32 Several complex variables |
Hormander, Lars | Linear Partial Differential Operators | 35 Partial differential equations |
Hormander, Lars | An Introduction to Complex Analysis in Several Variables | 32 Several complex variables |
Hormander, Lars | The Analysis of Linear Partial Differential Operators III | 35 Partial differential equations |
Horn, Roger | Matrix Analysis | 15 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory |
Horvath, John | Topological Vector Spaces and Distributions | 46 Functional analysis |
Hosctadt, Harry | Special Functions of Mathematical Physics | 33 Special functions |
Householder, Alston | The Theory of Matrices in Numerical Analysis/ | 65 Numerical analysis |
Howard, Heidi A. | Teaching Guide for First-Time Instruction of For All Practical Purposes | 97 Mathematics education |
Howard, Heidi A. | Student Solutions Manual to Accompany For All Practical Purposes | 97 Mathematics education |
Howard, Heidi A. | Student Study Guide to Accompany For All Practical Purposes | 97 Mathematics education |
Hsu, Elton | Probability Theory and Applications | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Hu, T.C. | Combinatorial Algorithms | 05 Combinatorics |
Hu, Sze-Tsen | Introduction to Homological Algebra | 18 Category theory; homological algebra |
Hu, Sze-Tsen | Homotopy Theory | 55 Algebraic topology |
Hu, Sze-Tsen | Elements of Modern Algebra | 09 Abstract algebra |
Hu, T.C. | Integer Programming and Network Flows | 90 Operations research, mathematical programming |
Hu , Szen-Tsen | Theory of Retracts | 55 Algebraic topology |
Hua, L | Harmonic Analysis of Functions of Several Complex Variables in the Classic Domains | 32 Several complex variables |
Huba, Mary E. | Learner-Centered Assessment on College Campuses: Shifting the Focus from Teaching to Learning | 97 Mathematics education |
Huck, Schuyler | Statistical Illusions: Problems | 62 Statistics |
Hughes, B.D. | The Mathematics and Physics of Disordered Media | 82 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter |
Hughes, D.R. | Elements of Design Theory | 05 Combinatorics |
Hughes, G. E. | An Introduction to Modal Logic | 02 (03) Mathematical logic and foundations |
Humi, Mayer | Second Course in Ordinary Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers | 34 Ordinary differential equations |
Humphreys, James | Introduction to Lie algebras and Representation Theory | 17 Nonassociative rings and algebras |
Hurewicz, Witold | Dimesion Theory | 54 General topology |
Hurewicz, Witold | Lectures on Ordinary Differential Equations | 34 Ordinary differential equations |
Hurewicz, Witold | Dimension Theory | 54 General topology |
Husain, Taqdir | Introduction to Topological Groups | 22 Topological groups, Lie groups |
Hylleraas, Egil A. | Mathematical and Theoretical Physics Volume 1 | 69 Mathematical physics and engineering |
Hylleraas, Egil A. | Mathematical and Theoretical Physics Volume 2 | 69 Mathematical physics and engineering |
Hämmerlin, G. | Improperly Posed Problems and Their Numerical Treatment | 65 Numerical analysis |
Hämmerlin, Günther | Numerical Mathematics | 65 Numerical analysis |