Author Title MSC2020 Area
Laatsch, RichardBasic Algebraic Systems00 General and overarching topics; collections
Ladyzenskaja, O.A.Linear and Quasilinear Equations of Parabolic Type35 Partial differential equations
Ladyzhenskaya, O.A. The Mathematical Theory of Viscous Incompressible Flow35 Partial differential equations
Ladyzhenskaya, OlgaAttractors for Semigroups and Evolution Equations58 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds
Lagarias, JeffreyThe Ultimate Challenge: The 3x+1 Problem11 Number theory
Lago, G.V.Circuit and System Theory93 Systems theory; control
Lagrange, RenePolynomes et Fonctions de Legendre33 Special functions
Lakatos, ImreProofs and Refutations: The Logic of Mathematical Discovery03 Mathematical logic and foundations
Lakatos, ImreProblems in the Philosophy of Science; Proceedings of the International Colloquium in the Philosophy of Science, London, 1965; Volume 300 General and overarching topics; collections
Lakatos, ImreProblems in the Philosophy of Mathematics; Proceedings of the International Colloquium in the Philosophy of Science, London, 1965; Volume 100 General and overarching topics; collections
Lakin, William D. Topics in Ordinary Differential Equations: A Potpourri34 Ordinary differential equations
Lallement, GerardSemigroups and Combinatorial Applications20 Group theory and generalizations
Lam, Tsit YuenExercises in Classical Ring Theory16 Associative rings and algebras
Lam, Tsit YuenA First Course in Noncommutative Rings16 Associative rings and algebras
Lamadrid, JesusAlmost Periodic Measures43 (42) Harmonic analysis
Lamb, J.D.Surveys in Combinatorics, 199905 Combinatorics
Lamb , Sir H.Hydrodynamics 76 Fluid mechanics
Lambert, J.D.Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Systems65 Numerical analysis
Lancaster, Peter Theory of Matrices15 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory
Lancoz, CorneliusSpaces Through the Ages51 Geometry
Landau, Edmund Foundations of Analysis27 (28) Measure and integration
Landau, EdmundAus der elementaren und additiven Zahlentheorie10 (11) Number theory
Lander, Eric S.Calcuating the Secrets of Life92 Biology
Landman, BruceRamsey Theory on the Integers05 Combinatorics
Lando, SergeiGraphs on Surfaces and Their Applications05 Combinatorics
Lane, Ernest P.A Treatise on Projective Differential Geometry53 Differential geometry
Lane, ErnestProjective Differential Geometry of Curves And Surfaces51 Geometry
Lang, SergeThe Beauty of Doing Mathematics: Three Public Dialogues00 General and overarching topics; collections
Lang, SergeAlgebraic Structures00 General and overarching topics; collections
Lang, SergeGeometry: A High School Course51 Geometry
Lang, SergeEliptic Curves Diophantine Analysis10 (11) Number theory
Lang, SergeMath!: Encounters with High School Students00 General and overarching topics; collections
Lang, SergeAlgebra09 Abstract algebra
Lang, SergeA First Course in Calculus26 Real functions
Lang, SergeElliptic Functions33 Special functions
Lang, SergeAlgebraic Functions14 Algebraic geometry
Langlands, Robert P.Base Change for GL(2)10 (11) Number theory
Larson, HaroldIntroduction to Probability Theory and Statistical Inference60 Probability theory and stochastic processes
Lass, HarryVector and Tensor Analysis53 Differential geometry
Lasserre, FrancoisThe Birth of Mathematics in the Age of Plato01 History and biography
Lavrent'ev, M.M.Ill-Posed problems of Mathematical Physics and Analysis35 Partial differential equations
Lavrent'ev, M.M.Some Improperly Posed Problems of Mathematical Physics35 Partial differential equations
Lavrent'ev, M.M.One-Dimensional Inverse Problems of Mathematical Physics 35 Partial differential equations
Lavrenteev, M.Ill-posed problems of mathematical physics and analysis35 Partial differential equations
Lawden, DerekElliptic Functions and Applications33 Special functions
Lawler, E.L.The Traveling Salesman Problem90 Operations research, mathematical programming
Lawson, Charles L.Solving Least Squares Problems93 Systems theory; control
Lawvere, F.Conceptual Mathematics18 Category theory; homological algebra
Lax, P.D.Partial Differential Equations35 Partial differential equations
Lax, Peter D. Hyberbolic Systems of Conservation laws and the Mathematical Theory of Shock Waves35 Partial differential equations
Laywine, CharlesDiscrete Mathematics Using Latin Squares05 Combinatorics
LeLionnais, F.Great Currents of Mathematical Thought: Volume II01 History and biography
LeLionnais, F.Great Currents of Mathematical Thought: Volume I01 History and biography
LeVeque, W.J.Studies in Number Theory11 Number theory
Lebedeb, NSpecial Functions and Their Applications33 Special functions
Lebedev, N.N.Worked Problems in Applied Mathematics69 Mathematical physics and engineering
Lefschetz, SolomonAlgebraic Geometry 14 Algebraic geometry
Lefschetz, Solomon Introduction to Topology 54 General topology
Lefschetz, SolomonAlgebraic Topology55 Algebraic topology
Lefschetz, Solomon Topics in Topology55 Algebraic topology
Lefschetz, Solomon Stability of Nonlinear Control Systems93 Systems theory; control
Lefschetz, SolomonTopology55 Algebraic topology
Lefschetz, SolomonLectures of Differential Equations34 Ordinary differential equations
Leibowitz, Gerald Lectures on Complex Function Algebras46 Functional analysis
Leighton, WalterIntroduction to the Theory of Differential Equations34 Ordinary differential equations
Lenstra, J.K.Interfaces Between Computer Science and Operations Research68 Computer science
Lenstra, A.K.The Development of the Number Field Sieve11 Number theory
Lesigne, EmmanuelHeads or Tails: An Introduction to Limit Theorems in Probability60 Probability theory and stochastic processes
Lester, L.Israel Journal of Mathematics00 General and overarching topics; collections
Letac, GérardIntegration and Probability: Excercises and Solutions28 Measure and integration
Levitan, BAlmost periodic Functions and Differential Equations42 Harmonic analysis
Levy, AzrielHierarchy of Formulas in Set Theory03 Mathematical logic and foundations
Levy, SilvioFlavors of Geometry51 Geometry
Levy, SilvioFlavors of Geometry51 Geometry
Levy, AzrielA Hierarchy of Formulas in Set Theory02 (03) Mathematical logic and foundations
Levy, H.Numerical Solutions of Differential Equations34 Ordinary differential equations
Lewis, DonaldIntroduction to Algebra09 Abstract algebra
Li, Mnan00 General and overarching topics; collections
Lickorish, W.B.An Introduction to Knot Theory57 Manifolds and cell complexes
Lieb, ElliotAnalysis00 General and overarching topics; collections
Lieberman, GaryOblique Derivative Problems for Elliptic Equations35 Partial differential equations
Lighthill, MFourier Analysis and Generalised Functions42 Harmonic analysis
Lindner, C.C.Topics on Steiner Systems05 Combinatorics
Lindsay, RobertFoundations of Physics00 General and overarching topics; collections
Lions, J.L.Non-Homogeneous Boundary Value Problems and Applications III35 Partial differential equations
Lions, J.L.Non-Homogeneous Boundary Value Problems and Applications II35 Partial differential equations
Lions, J.L.Differentielles Operationnelles Et Problemes Aux Limites35 Partial differential equations
Lions, J.L.Non-Homogeneous Boundary Value Problems and Applications I35 Partial differential equations
Lions, Pierre-LouisMathematical Topics in Fluid Mechanics76 Fluid mechanics
Lions, J.L.Equations Differentielles Operationnelles et Problemes aux Limites35 Partial differential equations
Lipschutz, Seymour Schaum's Probability60 Probability theory and stochastic processes
Lipschutz, SeymourDiscrete Mathematics05 Combinatorics
Littlewood, DudleyThe Theory of Group Charaters and Matrix Representations20 Group theory and generalizations
Liu, Derong Dynamical Systems with Saturation Nonlinearities93 Systems theory; control
Liverman, T.P.G.Generalized Functions and Direct Operational Methods44 Integral transforms
Livingston, CharlesKnot Theory57 Manifolds and cell complexes
Livingston, Charles Knot Theory55 Algebraic topology
Lloyd, E.Surveys in Combinatorics; Invited Papers for the Ninth British Combinatorial Conference 198305 Combinatorics
Lloyd, G.E.R.Early Greek Science: Thales to Aristotle01 History and biography
Lodge, OliverPioneers of Science01 History and biography
Loomis, L.H. An Introduction to Abstract Harmonic Analysis46 Functional analysis
Loos, OttmarJordan Pairs17 Nonassociative rings and algebras
Loos, OttmarSymmetric Spaces - Volume I22 Topological groups, Lie groups
Looss, Gerard Elementary Stability and Bifurcation Theory34 Ordinary differential equations
Louchard, G.Probability Theory and Computer Science60 Probability theory and stochastic processes
Lovasz, LaszloAlgebraic Methods in Graph Theory (Vol I)05 Combinatorics
Lovasz, LaszloAlgebraic Methods in Graph Theory (Vol II)05 Combinatorics
Love, A.E.H. A Treatise on the Mathematical Theory of Elasticity73 (73) Mechanics of deformable solids
Lovitt, William Linear Integral Equations45 Integral equations
Lovász, LászlóEuropean Journal of Combinatorics: Special Issue on Homomorphisms and Limits05 Combinatorics
Lovász, LászlóAn Algorithmic Theory of Numbers, Graphs, and Convexity68 Computer science
Lowenthal, FranklinLinear Algebra with Linear Differential Equations15 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory
Loxton, J.H.Number Theory and Cryptography94 Information and communication
Luebeck, JenniferMathematics Teaching: Putting Research into Practive at All Levels97 Mathematics education
Luenberger, DavidOptimization by Vector Space Methods90 Operations research, mathematical programming
Luenberger, DavidLinear and Nonlinear Programming90 Operations research, mathematical programming
Luttrell, WendySchoolsmart and Motherwise97 Mathematics education
Lutz, FrankTriangulated Manifolds with Few Vertices and Vertex-Transitive Group Actions57 Manifolds and cell complexes
Lyapunov, A.M.Lecture on The Theory of Mechanics70 Mechanics of particles and systems
Lyusternik, L.A. Convex Figures and Polyhedra52 Convex and discrete geometry