Author Title MSC2020 Area
Kac, MarkDiscrete Thoughts: Essays on Mathematics, Science, and Philosophy00 General and overarching topics; collections
Kaiser, GeraldA Friendly Guide to Wavelets42 Harmonic analysis
Kamke, ETheory of Sets03 Mathematical logic and foundations
Kanigel, RobertThe Man Who Knew Infinity: A Life of The Genius Ramanujan01 History and biography
Kaplan, Wilfred Introduction to Analytic Functions30 Functions of a complex variable
Kaplan, WilfredAdvanced Calculus26 Real functions
Kaplan, WilfredMaxima and Minima with Applications49 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization
Kaplansky, IrvingCommutative Rings (Revised Edition)13 Commutative algebra
Kaplansky, Irving An Introduction To Differential Algebra12 Field theory and polynomials
Kaplansky, Irving Infinite Abelian Groups20 Group theory and generalizations
Kaplansky, Irving Fields and Rings12 Field theory and polynomials
Karlin, SamuelMathematical Methods and Theory in Games, Programming and Economic90 Operations research, mathematical programming
Karlin, SamuelTotal Positivity46 Functional analysis
Karonski, M.Random Graphs '8505 Combinatorics
Kassel, ChristianQuantum Groups16 Associative rings and algebras
Kato, T.L.Perturbation Theory for Linear Operators47 Operator theory
Kattsoff, LouisA Philosophy of Mathematics00 General and overarching topics; collections
Katz, NicholasExponential Sums and Differential Equations11 Number theory
Katz, VictorTaming the Unknown: A History of Algebra from Antiquity to the Early Twentieth Century01 History and biography
Katz, VictorA History of Mathematics01 History and biography
Katz, JonathanIntroduction to Modern Cryptography94 Information and communication
Katz, VictorThe Mathematics of Egypt, Mesopotamia, China, India, and Islam: A Sourcebook01 History and biography
Kauffman, LouisOn Knots55 Algebraic topology
Kauffman, Louis H.On Knots57 Manifolds and cell complexes
Kazarinoff, NicholasAnalytic Inequalities26 Real functions
Kearns, Michael An Introduction to Computational Learning Theory68 Computer science
Kedlaya, KiranThe William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition 1985-2000; Problems, Solutions and Commentary00 General and overarching topics; collections
Keedwell, A.D.Surveys in Combinatorics 199105 Combinatorics
Keller, Joseph Bifurcation Theory and Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems35 Partial differential equations
Kelley, JohnGeneral Topology 54 General topology
Kelley, WalterDifference Equations: An Introduction with Applications39 Difference equations
Kellogg, Oliver D.Foundations of Potential Theory35 Partial differential equations
Kemeny, John G. Introduction to Finite Mathematics90 Operations research, mathematical programming
Kemeny, John G.Denumerable Markov Chains60 Probability theory and stochastic processes
Kemp, RanierFundamentals of the Average Case Analysis of Particular Algorithms68 Computer science
Kendall, M.G.Rank Correlational Methods62 Statistics
Kenschaft, PatriciaChange is Possible: Stories of Women and Minorities in Mathematics01 History and biography
Keshet, Leah E.Mathematical Models in Biology92 Biology
Khan, Donald W.Topology. An introduction to the point-set and algebraic areas54 General topology
Khesin, BorisArnold: Swimming Against the Tide01 History and biography
Khinchin, A.I. Mathematics Foundations of Statistical Mechanics82 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter
Kifer, YuriErgodic Theory of Random Transformations60 Probability theory and stochastic processes
Kilmister, C.W.Hamiltonian Dynamics70 Mechanics of particles and systems
Kilpatrick, JeremyAdding It Up: Helping Children Learn Mathematics97 Mathematics education
KinderLehrer, DavidAn Introduction to Variational Inequalities and Their Applications49 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization
Kindermann, Ross Markov Random Fields and their Applications60 Probability theory and stochastic processes
Kingman, J.F.CIntroduction to Measure and Probability28 Measure and integration
Kirillov, AleksandrElements of the Theory of Representations20 Group theory and generalizations
Kirwan, FrancesComplex Algebraic Curves14 Algebraic geometry
Kitchens, BruceSymbolic Dynamics: One-Sided, Two-Sided and Countable State Markov Shifts58 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds
Klamkin, MurrayProblems in Applied Mathematics: Selections from SIAM Review00 General and overarching topics; collections
Klee, VictorOld and New Unsolved Problems in Plane Geometry and Number Theory11 Number theory
Kleene, SIntroduction to Metamathematics02 (03) Mathematical logic and foundations
Kleene, StephenMathematical Logic02 (03) Mathematical logic and foundations
Kleene, StephenKurt Godel01 History and biography
Kleene, SFormalized Recursive Functionals and Formalized Realizability03 Mathematical logic and foundations
Kleene, Stephen C.Kurt Godel 1906-197800 General and overarching topics; collections
Klein, FelixÜber Das Ikosaeder51 Geometry
Klein, FelixKleins Famous Problems of Elementary Geometry51 Geometry
Klein, FelixThe Icosahedron and the solution of equations in the fifth degree52 Convex and discrete geometry
Klein, FelixElementary Mathematics from an Advanced Standpoint Vol II: Geometry00 General and overarching topics; collections
Klein, JacobGreek Mathematical Thought and the Origin of Algebra01 History and biography
Klein, FelixEntwicklung der Mathematik01 History and biography
Klein, FelixArithmetic Algebra Analysis00 General and overarching topics; collections
Klimov, G.Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics60 Probability theory and stochastic processes
Kline, MorrisMathematics in Western Culture01 History and biography
Kline, MorrisMathematical Thought From Ancient to Modern Times01 History and biography
Kline, MorrisMathematics: A Cultural Approach01 History and biography
Knopp, KonradTheory of Functions PART I30 Functions of a complex variable
Knopp, KonradTheory of Functions PART II30 Functions of a complex variable
Knopp, KonradProblem Book in the Theory of Functions30 Functions of a complex variable
Knopp, KonradProblem Book 130 Functions of a complex variable
Knopp, KonradTheory of Functions30 Functions of a complex variable
Knopp, KonradTheory and Application of Infinite Series40 Sequences, series, summability
Knops, R.J. Theory of Elastic Stability73 (73) Mechanics of deformable solids
Knops, R.J.Uniqueness Theorems in Linear Elasticity73 (73) Mechanics of deformable solids
Knuth, DonaldThe Art of Computer Programming: Volume 4, Fascicle 168 Computer science
Knuth, DonaldThe Art of Computer Programming: Volume 4, Fascicle 068 Computer science
Knuth, DonaldThe Art of Computer Programming: Volume 4, Fascicle 268 Computer science
Knuth, DonaldThe Texbook00 General and overarching topics; collections
Knuth, DonaldThe Art of Computer Programming: Volume 4, Fascicle 368 Computer science
Knuth, DonaldThe Art of Computer Programming: Volume 4, Fascicle 468 Computer science
Koch, HerbertDispersive Equations and Nonlinear Waves35 Partial differential equations
Kochendorffer, RudolfGroup Theory in the Bedroom20 Group theory and generalizations
Koh, K.M.Graph Theory Singapore 1983; Proceedings05 Combinatorics
Kolmogorov, A.M.Foundation of the Theory of Probability 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes
Kolmogorov, A. N.Introduction to Real Analysis26 Real functions
Kolmogorov, A.N.Functional Analysis46 Functional analysis
Kolmogorov, AFunctional Analysis46 Functional analysis
Kolmogorov, A.NFunctional Analysis46 Functional analysis
Kolmogorov, AElements of the Theory of Functions and Functiona Analysis26 Real functions
Korte, BernhardCombinatorial Optimization: Theory and Algorithms05 Combinatorics
Koshy, ThomasPell and Pell-Lucas Numbers with Applications11 Number theory
Kostrikin, A.I.Exercises in Algebra: A Collection of Exercises in Algebra, Linear Algebra, and Geometry00 General and overarching topics; collections
Kostrikin, AlexeiLinear Algebra and Geometry15 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory
Kostrikin, A.I.Algebra I: Basic Notions of Algebra09 Abstract algebra
Kothe, GTopological Vector Spaces II46 Functional analysis
Kouzes, JamesThe Student Leadership Challenge97 Mathematics education
Kowalski, H.J.Topological Spaces55 Algebraic topology
Koyré, AlexandreNewtonian Studies01 History and biography
Krabs, WOn Moment Theory and Controllability of One-Dimensional Vibrating Systems and Heating Processes49 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization
Krantz, StevenA Mathematician’s Survival Guide00 General and overarching topics; collections
Krauth, WernerStatistical Mechanics: Algorithms and Computations82 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter
Krebbe, Greges Operational Calculus44 Integral transforms
Krein, S.G.Linear Differential Equations in Banach Space35 Partial differential equations
Kreith, KurtOscillation Theory34 Ordinary differential equations
Krengel, UlrichErgodic Theorems28 Measure and integration
Krishnamurthy, V.Combinatorics: Theory and Applications05 Combinatorics
Kruskal, JosephStudies in Combinatorics05 Combinatorics
Kubilius, J.Probabilistic Methods in the Theory of Numbers11 Number theory
Kuhn, H.W. Linear Inequalities and Related Systems47 Operator theory
Kuhn, H.M.Linear Inequalities and Related Systems90 Operations research, mathematical programming
Kuhn, H.W.Contributions to the Theory of Games90 Operations research, mathematical programming
Kullback, SolomonInformation Theory and Statistics62 Statistics
Kulli, V.R.Recent Studies in Graph Theory05 Combinatorics
Kuratowski, K. Introduction to Set Theory and Topology54 General topology
Kurosh, A. G.Lectures in General Algebra08 General algebraic systems
Kushner, B.A.Lectures on Constructive Mathematical Analysis46 Functional analysis
Kwong, Chen K.Simulation of the series of orthogonal functions42 Harmonic analysis
Körner, T.W.Fourier Analysis42 Harmonic analysis