Wade, William R. | An Introduction to Analysis | 26 Real functions |
Wald, Abraham | Statistical Decision Function | 62 Statistics |
Walker, Miles | The Schwarz-Christoffel Transformation and Its Applications-A Simple Exposition | 30 Functions of a complex variable |
Walker, Keith | Surveys in Combinatorics 1993 | 05 Combinatorics |
Wall, H.S. | Analytic Theory of Continued Fractions | 40 Sequences, series, summability |
Wallace, Andrew | Differential Topology | 53 Differential geometry |
Wallis, W.D. | Combinatorics: Room Squares, Sum-Free Sets, Hadamard Matrices | 05 Combinatorics |
Wallis, W.D. | Combinatorial Designs | 05 Combinatorics |
Wallis, W.D. | Combinatorial Designs | 05 Combinatorics |
Walter, Wolfgang | Differential And Integral Inequalities | 34 Ordinary differential equations |
Walter, Wolfgang | Differential And Integral Inequalities | 34 Ordinary differential equations |
Warner, Seth | Modern Algebra Volume 1 | 00 General and overarching topics; collections |
Warner, Seth | Modern Algebra Volume 2 | 00 General and overarching topics; collections |
Washington, Lawrence | Introduction to Cyclotomic Fields | 12 Field theory and polynomials |
Wasow, Wolfgang | Asymptotic Expansions for Ordinary Differential Equations | 34 Ordinary differential equations |
Watanabe, S. | Lectures on Stochastic Differential Equations and Mallavin Calculus | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Watkins, David | Fundamentals of Matrix Computations | 65 Numerical analysis |
Watkins, John | Across the Board: The Mathematics of Chessboard Problems | 00 General and overarching topics; collections |
Watson, G | Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions | 33 Special functions |
Watson, Geoffrey | Statistics on Spheres | 62 Statistics |
Watson, Emery E. | Elements of Projective Geometry | 51 Geometry |
Watson, G.N. | A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions | 33 Special functions |
Wax, Nelson | Noise and Stochastic Processes | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Weaver, Warren | Lady Luck; The Theory of Probability | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Weber, Heinrich | Lehrbuch Der Algebra Vol. III | 11 Number theory |
Weber, Heinrich | Lehrbuch Der Algebra Vol. I | 11 Number theory |
Wedderburn, J.H.M. | Lectures on Matrices | 15 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory |
Wedderburn, J.H.M. | Lectures On Matrices | 15 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory |
Wedderburn, J.H.M. | Lectures on Matrices | 15 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory |
Weil, André | Number Theory: An approach through history; From Hammurapi to Legendre | 11 Number theory |
Weil, A. | Fiber Spaces | 55 Algebraic topology |
Weil, Andre | Groups Topologiques | 22 Topological groups, Lie groups |
Weil, Andre | Foundations of Algebraic Geometry | 14 Algebraic geometry |
Weinberger, Hans F. | Variational Methods for Eigenvalue Approximation | 49 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization |
Weinberger, H.F. | A First Course in Partial Differential Equations | 35 Partial differential equations |
Weinstock, Robert | Calculus of Variations | 49 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization |
Weinstock, Robert | Calculus of Variations | 49 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization |
Weiss, Marie | Higher Algebra for the Undergraduates | 09 Abstract algebra |
Weisstein, Eric | CRC Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics | 00 General and overarching topics; collections |
Welsh, D.J.A. | Matroid Theory | 05 Combinatorics |
Welsh, D.J.A. | Combinatorics | 05 Combinatorics |
Welsh, D.J.A | Combinatorial Mathematics and Its Applications | 05 Combinatorics |
Welsh, D.J.A | Complexity: Knots, Colourings and Counting | 57 Manifolds and cell complexes |
Wendroff, Burton | Theoretical Numerical Analysis | 65 Numerical analysis |
Wenninger, Magnus | Spherical Models | 51 Geometry |
Wenninger, Magnus | Polyhedron Models | 50 (51) Geometry |
Wenninger, Magnus | Spherical Models | 51 Geometry |
Wentworth, G.A. | A Textbook of Geometry | 51 Geometry |
Wentworth, G | Textbook Geometry | 51 Geometry |
Werner, Helmut | Vorlesung uber Approximationstheorie | 41 Approximations and expansions |
Westfall, Richard | Never at Rest: A Biography of Isaac Newton | 01 History and biography |
Weyl, Hermann | The Concept of a Riemann Surface | 30 Functions of a complex variable |
Weyl, Hermann | Philosophy of Mathematics and the Natural Sciences | 00 General and overarching topics; collections |
Weyl, Hermann | Symmetry | 01 History and biography |
Weyl, Hermann | Algebraic Theory Of Numbers | 00 General and overarching topics; collections |
White, Neil | Combinatorial Geometries | 05 Combinatorics |
Whitehead, C. | Surveys in Combinatorics 1987; Invited Papers for the Eleventh British Combinatorial Conference | 05 Combinatorics |
Whitman, Joseph | Essentials of College Algebra | 12 Field theory and polynomials |
Whittaker, E | Modern Analysis | 30 Functions of a complex variable |
Whittaker, E.T. | Analytical Dynamics | 70 Mechanics of particles and systems |
Whittaker, E | Course of Modern Analysis | 26 Real functions |
Whyburn, Gordon T. | Topological Analysis | 55 Algebraic topology |
Whyburn, Gordon | Analytic Topology | 54 General topology |
Widder, David V. | The Laplace Transform | 42 Harmonic analysis |
Widder, David | The Laplace Transform | 42 Harmonic analysis |
Widder, David | Advanced Calculus | 26 Real functions |
Widder, David | The Laplace Transform | 42 Harmonic analysis |
Widom, Harold | Lectures on Integral Equations | 44 Integral transforms |
Wiener, Norbert | Extrapolation, Interpolation and Smoothing of Stationary Time Series | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Wiener, Norbert | Nonlinear Problems in Random Theory | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Wiener, Norbert | Fourier Integral | 42 Harmonic analysis |
Wilansky, Albert | Modern Methods in Topological Vector Spaces | 46 Functional analysis |
Wilansky, Albert | Functional Analysis | 46 Functional analysis |
Wilansky, Albert | Functional Analysis | 46 Functional analysis |
Wilcox, Calvin H. | Scattering Theory for the d'Alembert Equation in Exterior Domains | 35 Partial differential equations |
Wilde, Douglass | Optimum Seeking Methods | 65 Numerical analysis |
Wilder, Raymond | Wilder, Topology of Manifolds | 57 Manifolds and cell complexes |
Wilder, Raymond | Evolution of Mathematical Concepts, An Elementary Study | 01 History and biography |
Wilf, Herbert | Mathematics for the Physical Sciences | 69 Mathematical physics and engineering |
Wilf, Herbert | Combinatorial Algorithms: An Update | 05 Combinatorics |
Wilkeit, Elke | Isometrische Untergraphen von Hamming-Graphen | 05 Combinatorics |
Wilkinson, J.H. | The Algebraic Eigenvalue Problem | 65 Numerical analysis |
Wilkinson, J.H. | Linear Algebra | 65 Numerical analysis |
Willard, Stephen | General Topology | 54 General topology |
Willmore, T.J. | Differential Geometry | 53 Differential geometry |
Wills, A.P. | Vector and Tensor Analysis | 76 Fluid mechanics |
Wilson, Robin | Graphs An Introductory Approach | 05 Combinatorics |
Wilson, Robin | Four Colors Suffice: How the Map Problem Was Solved | 05 Combinatorics |
Wilson, R.J. | Applications of Combinatorics | 05 Combinatorics |
Wilson, Edwin | Vector Analysis | 15 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory |
Windeknecht, Thomas G. | General Dynamical Processes | 93 Systems theory; control |
Winter, David | The Structure of Fields | 12 Field theory and polynomials |
Wodarz, Domonik | Computational Biology of Cancer | 92 Biology |
Woess, Wolfgang | Random Walks on Infinite Graphs and Groups | 05 Combinatorics |
Wolf, Joseph A. | Spaces of Constant Curvature | 53 Differential geometry |
Wolff, Dr.J | Fourier's sche Reihen | 42 Harmonic analysis |
Wolfram, Stephen | Theory and Applications of Cellular Automata | 68 Computer science |
Wong, Yau-Chuen | Partially Ordered Topological Vector Spaces | 46 Functional analysis |
Wraith, G. C. | Algebraic Theories | 08 General algebraic systems |
Wu, Wen-tsün | Mechanical Theorem Proving in Geometries | 68 Computer science |
Wylie, C. Ray | Differential Equations | 34 Ordinary differential equations |