Pach, Janos | Combinatorial Geometry | 05 Combinatorics |
Packel, Edward | Functional Analysis | 46 Functional analysis |
Padberg, Manfred | Linear Optimization and Extensions | 90 Operations research, mathematical programming |
Padua, Sydney | The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage | 00 General and overarching topics; collections |
Page, E.S. | An Introduction to Computational Combinatorics | 05 Combinatorics |
Page, Warren | Topological Uniform Structures | 46 Functional analysis |
Paige, Lowell | Elements of Linear Algebra | 15 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory |
Palmer, Edgar | Graphical Evolution: An Introduction to the Theory of Random Graphs | 05 Combinatorics |
Papadimitriou, Christos | Combinatorial Optimization: Algorithms and Complexity | 90 Operations research, mathematical programming |
Parc, Sam | Visions of Mathematics | 00 General and overarching topics; collections |
Parlett, Beresford | The Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem | 65 Numerical analysis |
Parthasharathy, K. R. | Probability Measures on Metric Spaces | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Parzen, Emanuel | Modern Probability Theory and Its Applications | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Paterson, M.S. | Boolean Function Complexity | 68 Computer science |
Patterson, E.M. | Topology | 54 General topology |
Paulos, John | Mathematics and Humor | 00 General and overarching topics; collections |
Paulos, John | A Numerate Life: A Mathematician Explores the Vagaries of Life, His and Probably Yours. | 00 General and overarching topics; collections |
Pavel, Nicolae | Optimal Control of Differential Equations | 49 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization |
Payne, Fred | Integral Methods in Science and Engineering | 65 Numerical analysis |
Pazy, A. | Semigroups of Linear Operators and Applications to Partial Differential Equations | 47 Operator theory |
Pearcy, C. | Topics in Operator Theory | 46 Functional analysis |
Pedersen, Olag | Survey of the Almagest | 01 History and biography |
Pedoe, D. | Circles | 52 Convex and discrete geometry |
Peitgen, Heinz-Otto | The Science of Fractal Images | 68 Computer science |
Peltzer, Christian | Generalized Functions; Spaces of Fundamental and Generalized Functions | 44 Integral transforms |
Pemantle, Robin | Analytic Combinatorics in Several Variables | 05 Combinatorics |
Pennisi, Louis | Elements of Complex Variables | 30 Functions of a complex variable |
Percus, J.K. | Combinatorial Methods | 05 Combinatorics |
Perdiagao do Carmo, Manfredo | Riemannian Geometry | 53 Differential geometry |
Perlis, Sam | Theory of Matrices | 15 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory |
Petersen, T. Kyle | Eulerian Numbers | 05 Combinatorics |
Petkovic, Miodrag | Mathematics and Chess | 00 General and overarching topics; collections |
Petrich, Mario | Introduction to Semigroups | 20 Group theory and generalizations |
Petrovski, I. G. | Ordinary Differential Equations | 34 Ordinary differential equations |
Petrovskii, I.G. | Partial Differential Equations | 35 Partial differential equations |
Peyret, Roger | Computational Methods for Fluid Flow | 76 Fluid mechanics |
Phillips, John | How to Think About Statistics | 62 Statistics |
Phillips, E | Some Topics in Complex Analysis | 30 Functions of a complex variable |
Phillips, Esther | Studies in the History of Mathematics | 00 General and overarching topics; collections |
Phillips, H.B. | Vector Analysis | 53 Differential geometry |
Phillips, Charles | Digital Control System Analysis and Design | 93 Systems theory; control |
Pickert, Gunter | Projective Ebenen | 50 (51) Geometry |
Pickover, Clifford | The Mathematics Devotional | 00 General and overarching topics; collections |
Pickover, Clifford | The Math Book | 00 General and overarching topics; collections |
Pieper, Herbert | Variationen über ein Zahlentheoretisches Thema von C.F. Gauß | 11 Number theory |
Pierpont, James | The Theory of Functions of Real Variables Volume 2 | 26 Real functions |
Pillay, Anand | An Introduction to Stability Theory | 03 Mathematical logic and foundations |
Pinsky, Mark | Partial Differential Equations and Boundary-Value Problems with Applications | 35 Partial differential equations |
Pipkin, A.C. | Lectures in Viscoelasticity Theory | 74 Mechanics of deformable solids |
Pitman, Jim | Probabiltiy | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Pittenger, Arthur | An Introduction to Quantum Computing Algorithms | 81 Quantum theory |
Plemelj, Josip | Problems in the sense of Riemann and Klein | 45 Integral equations |
Pogorelov, A. | Geometry | 50 (51) Geometry |
Pogorelov, A. | Geometry | 50 (51) Geometry |
Polites, George | An Introduction to the Theory of Groups | 20 Group theory and generalizations |
Polkinghorne, John | Meaning in Mathematics | 00 General and overarching topics; collections |
Pollack, S.V. | Studies in Computer Science | 68 Computer science |
Pollard, Harry | The Theory of Algebraic Numbers | 11 Number theory |
Pollard, Harry | Mathematical Introduction to Celestial Mechanics | 70 Mechanics of particles and systems |
Polster, Burkard | The Shoelace Book: A Mathematical Guide to the Best (and Worst) Ways to Lace Your Shoes | 00 General and overarching topics; collections |
Polya, G | Problems and Theorems in Analysis 2 | 26 Real functions |
Polya, George | Complex Variables | 30 Functions of a complex variable |
Polya, G. | Mathematics and Plausible Reasoning Volume II: Patterns of Plausible Inference | 00 General and overarching topics; collections |
Polya, G. | Mathematics and Plausible Reasoning Volume I: Induction and Analogy in Mathematics | 00 General and overarching topics; collections |
Polya, G. | Problems and Theorems in Analysis I | 26 Real functions |
Polya, George | Mathematical Discovery Vol. 1 | 00 General and overarching topics; collections |
Pontrjagin, Leon | Topological Groups | 22 Topological groups, Lie groups |
Pontryagain, L.S. | Foundations of Combinatorial Topology | 55 Algebraic topology |
Poole, E | Introduction to the Theory of Linear Differential Equations | 34 Ordinary differential equations |
Porteous, Ian | Topological Geometry | 51 Geometry |
Porter, B. | Stability Criteria for Linear Dynamical Systems | 93 Systems theory; control |
Postnikov, M.M. | Fundamentals of Galois Theory | 16 Associative rings and algebras |
Powers, Robert T. | Representations of the Canonical Anticommutation Relations | 81 Quantum theory |
Prabhu, N.U. | Stochastic Processes | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Prager, William | Introduction to Mechanics of Continua | 73 (73) Mechanics of deformable solids |
Prandtl, L. | Fundamentals of Hydro- and Aeromechanics | 76 Fluid mechanics |
Prandtl, L. | Applied Hydro- and Aeromechanics | 76 Fluid mechanics |
Prenter, P.M. | Splines and Variational Methods | 65 Numerical analysis |
Prior, A.N. | Time and Modality | 03 Mathematical logic and foundations |
Protter, Murray | Maximum Principles in Differential Equations | 35 Partial differential equations |
Protter, Murray | Maximum Principles in Differential Equations | 35 Partial differential equations |
Prömel, Hans | Ramsey Theory for Discrete Structures | 05 Combinatorics |
Pulleyblank, William | Progress in Combinatorial Optimization | 05 Combinatorics |
Putnam, C.R. | Commutation Properties of Hilbert Space Operators and Related Topics | 46 Functional analysis |
Pycior, H. | The Role of Sir William Rowan Hamilton in the Development of British Modern Algebra | 01 History and biography |