Author Title MSC2020 Area
Aaboe, AsgerEpisodes From the Early History of Mathematics01 History and biography
Aarts, EmileLocal Search in Combinatorial Optimization05 Combinatorics
Abbott, EdwinFlatland00 General and overarching topics; collections
Abbott, J.C.The Chauvenet Papers (Volumes 1 and 2)00 General and overarching topics; collections
Abbott, J.C.Trends in Lattice Theory06 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures
Abe, JairUnsolved Problems on Mathematics for the 21st Century08 General algebraic systems
Abhyankar, ShreeramEnumerative Combinatorics of Young Tableaux05 Combinatorics
Abian, AlexanderBoolean Rings06 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures
Abian, AlexanderLinear Associative Algebras16 Associative rings and algebras
Abian, AlexanderBoolean Rings16 Associative rings and algebras
Abraham, RalphTransversal Mapping and Flows57 Manifolds and cell complexes
Abraham, RalphFoundations of Mechanics70 Mechanics of particles and systems
Abraham, RalphFoundation of Mechanics53 Differential geometry
Abraham, RalphLinear Algebra15 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory
Abramowitz, MiltonHandbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables33 Special functions
Acheson, David1089 and All that: A Journey into Mathematics00 General and overarching topics; collections
Achiever, N. I.The Classical Moment Problem and Some Related Questions in Analysis44 Integral transforms
Acton, FormanNumerical Methods That Work65 Numerical analysis
Adams, WilliamIntroduction to Number Theory11 Number theory
Addison, JThe Theory of Models03 Mathematical logic and foundations
Adhikari, S.D.Aspects of Combinatorics and Combinatorial Number Theory05 Combinatorics
Agmon, ShmuelUnicite et Convexite dans les Problemes Differentiels35 Partial differential equations
Agmon, Samuel Lectures on Elliptic Boundary Value Problems35 Partial differential equations
Ahlfors, LarsConformal Invariants30 Functions of a complex variable
Ahlfors, LarsRiemann Surfaces30 Functions of a complex variable
Ahlfors, Lars V.Complex Analysis30 Functions of a complex variable
Ahlfors, Lars V.Lectures on Quasiconformal Mappings30 Functions of a complex variable
Ahmadi, MohammadIntroduction to Statistics An Applications Approach65 Numerical analysis
Aigner, MartinCombinatorial Search05 Combinatorics
Aigner, MartinMathematics Everywhere00 General and overarching topics; collections
Aigner, MartinProofs from THE BOOK00 General and overarching topics; collections
Aitken, AStatistical Mathematics62 Statistics
Akai, TerrenceApplied Numerical Methods for Engineers65 Numerical analysis
Akhiezer, N.I.Theory of Linear Operators in Hilbert Space. Volume I47 Operator theory
Akhiezer, N.I.Theory of Linear Operators in Hilbert Space. Volume II47 Operator theory
Akiyama, JinFactors and Factorizations of Graphs: Proof Techniques in Factor Theory05 Combinatorics
Akizuki, Y.Theory of Local Rings13 Commutative algebra
Alavi, YousefGraph Theory, Combinatorics, Algorithms, and Applications05 Combinatorics
Alavi, Y.Theory and Applications of Graphs: Proceedings, Michigan 197605 Combinatorics
Alavi, Y.Graph Theory with Applications to Algorithms and Computer Science05 Combinatorics
Alavi, Y.Graphy Theory, Combinatorics, and Applications; Proceedings of the Sixth Quadrennial International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Graphs05 Combinatorics
Alavi, Y.Graph Theory and Applications; Proceedings of the Conference at Western Michigan University, May 10-13, 197205 Combinatorics
Albers, DonaldThe G.H. Hardy Reader01 History and biography
Albers, DonaldInternational Mathematical Congresses: An Illustrated History 1893-198601 History and biography
Albert, A.AdrianIntroduction to Algebraic Theories09 Abstract algebra
Albert, A.An Introduction to thr Finite Projective Planes51 Geometry
Albert, A.Adrian Modern Higher Algebra13 Commutative algebra
Albert, A. AdrianStructure of Algebras09 Abstract algebra
Albert, AdrianModern Higher Algebra09 Abstract algebra
Albert, AStudies in Modern Algebra08 General algebraic systems
Albert, AdrianFundamental Concepts of Higher Algebra09 Abstract algebra
Albert, A. AdrianAn Introduction to finite projective planes51 Geometry
Albrect, J.Numerical Treatment of Integral Equations65 Numerical analysis
Aleksandrov, A.D.Mathematics: Its Content, Methods, and MeaningL; Three Volumes Bound as One00 General and overarching topics; collections
Aleksandrov, A.D.Mathematics: Its Content, Methods, and Meaning01 History and biography
Aleksandrov, P.S.Combinatorial Topology55 Algebraic topology
Alexander, DanielA History of Complex Dynamics: From Schröder to Fatou and Julia01 History and biography
Alexanderson, GeraldThe William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition Problems and Solutions 1965-198400 General and overarching topics; collections
Alexandroff, PaulGrundbegriffe der Topologie55 Algebraic topology
Alexandroff, PaulElementary Concepts of Topology54 General topology
Alexandrow, A.D.Kurven Und Flachen53 Differential geometry
Alhfors, LarsComplex Analysis30 Functions of a complex variable
Aliprantis, CharalambosPrinciples of Real Analysis28 Measure and integration
Aliprantis, CharalambosProblems in Real Analysis28 Measure and integration
Alladi, K.Analytic and Elementary Number Theory: A Tribute to the Mathematical Legend Paul Erdös11 Number theory
Allenby, R. B. J. T. Rings, Fields and Groups09 Abstract algebra
Allouche, Jean-PaulAutomatic Sequences: Theory, Applications, Generalizations05 Combinatorics
Almgren Jr., Frederick J.Plateau's Problem49 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization
Alsina, ClaudiIcons of Mathematics: An Exploration of Twenty Key Images00 General and overarching topics; collections
Ambertzumian, R.V.Combinatorial Integral Geometry with Applications to Mathematical Stereology05 Combinatorics
Amerio, LuigiAlmost Periodic Functions and Functional Equations42 Harmonic analysis
Ames, WilliamNumerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations65 Numerical analysis
Anderson, MarlowWho Gave You the Epsilon? & Other Tales of Mathematical History00 General and overarching topics; collections
Anderson, IanA First Course in Combinatorial Mathematics05 Combinatorics
Anderson, MarlowSherlock Holmes in Babylon and Other Tales of Mathematical History00 General and overarching topics; collections
Anderson, IanSurveys in Combinatorics 1985; Invited Papers for the Tenth British Combinatorial Conference05 Combinatorics
Anderson, T.W.Probability, Statistics, and Mathematics: Papers in Honor of Samuel Karlin60 Probability theory and stochastic processes
Andreescu, TituComplex Numbers from A to-Z30 Functions of a complex variable
Andrásfai, BélaIntroductory Graph Theory05 Combinatorics
Anosov, D.V.Dynamical Systems I37 Dynamical systems
Anselone, P.M.Nonlinear Integral Equations45 Integral equations
Anshel, MichaelMathematics of Information Processing; Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics Vol 3468 Computer science
Antonevich, Anatollij Linear Functional Equations. Operator Approach47 Operator theory
Apostel, TMathematical Analysis26 Real functions
Apostol, TomSelected Papers on Calculus00 General and overarching topics; collections
Apostol, TomA Century of Calculus, Part II 1969-199101 History and biography
Appell, PFonctions Hypergeometriques et Hyperspheriques33 Special functions
Armstrong, Mark AnthonyBasic Topology55 Algebraic topology
Armstrong, M.A.Groups and Symmetry20 Group theory and generalizations
Arnold, B.H.Intuitie Concepts in Elementary Topology54 General topology
Arnold, V. I.Ordinary Differential Equations34 Ordinary differential equations
Arnold, V.I.Mathematical Understanding of Nature: Essays on Amazing Physical Phenomena and Their Understanding by Mathematicians00 General and overarching topics; collections
Arnold, V.I.Dynamical Systems II37 Dynamical systems
Arnold, V.Mathematics: Frontiers and Perspectives00 General and overarching topics; collections
Arnol’d, V. I.Catastrophe Theory37 Dynamical systems
Artin, EmilGeometric Algebra14 Algebraic geometry
Artin, E.Modern Higher Algebra Galois Theory12 Field theory and polynomials
Artin, EmilGalois Theory12 Field theory and polynomials
Artin, EmilRings With Minimum Condition16 Associative rings and algebras
Artin, EmilIntroduction to Algebraic Topology 55 Algebraic topology
Artin, EmilGalois Theory12 Field theory and polynomials
Artin, E.Introductory Lectures on Algebraic Geometry14 Algebraic geometry
Ash, RobertBasic Probability Theory60 Probability theory and stochastic processes
Ash, RobertInformation Theory94 Information and communication
Ash, Avner Summing It Up: From One Plus One to Modern Number Theory11 Number theory
Ash, J.M.Studies in Harmonic Analysis00 General and overarching topics; collections
Askey, RSpecial Functions: Group Theoretical Aspects and Applications33 Special functions
Askey, RichardOrthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions33 Special functions
Aste, TomasoThe Pursuit of Perfect Packing52 Convex and discrete geometry
Athreya, K.B. Branching Processes60 Probability theory and stochastic processes
Atiyah, MichaelThe Geometry and Physics of Knots57 Manifolds and cell complexes
Atiyah, M.F.Introduction to Commutative Algebra13 Commutative algebra
Atiyah, MichaelK-Theory18 Category theory; homological algebra
Atkin, A.O.L.Computers in Number Theory11 Number theory
Atkin , R.H.Mathematics and Wave Mechanics 76 Fluid mechanics
Atkinson, KendallElementary Numerical Analysis65 Numerical analysis
Atkinson, KendallA Survey of Numerical Methods for the Solution of Fredholm Integral Equations 65 Numerical analysis
Atkinson, KendallAn Introduction to Numerical Analysis65 Numerical analysis
Aubin, Jean-PierreApplied Functional Analysis46 Functional analysis
Auslander, Louis Introduction to Differentiable Manifolds57 Manifolds and cell complexes
Authors, VariousFirst International Symposium on Domain Decomposition Methods for Partial Differential Equations35 Partial differential equations
Authors, VariousDifferential Equations with Applications in Biology, Physics, and Engineering00 General and overarching topics; collections
Authors, VariousConnections in Discrete Mathematics00 General and overarching topics; collections
Authors, VariousCurrent Trends in Matrix Theory15 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory
Authors, VariousParallel Processor Systems, Technologies, and Applications68 Computer science
Authors, VariousStochastic Differential Equations60 Probability theory and stochastic processes
Authors, VariousSymposium on Non-Well-Posed Problems and Logarithmic Convexity35 Partial differential equations
Authors, VariousNonlinear Diffusion Equations and Their Equilibrium States II35 Partial differential equations
Averbach, BonnieProblem Solving Through Recreational Mathematics00 General and overarching topics; collections
Avramidi, IvanHeat Kernel Method and its Applications35 Partial differential equations
Axler, SheldonHarmonic Function Theory31 Potential theory
Axler, Sheldon Functional Analysis46 Functional analysis
Ayoub, RaymondAn introduction to the Analytic Theory of Numbers11 Number theory