Nachbin, Leopoldo | Elements of Approximation Theory | 41 Approximations and expansions |
Nachbin, Leopoldo | Topology and Order | 54 General topology |
Nachbin, Leopoldo | The Haar Integral | 28 Measure and integration |
Nachbin, L | The Haar Integral | 28 Measure and integration |
Nagata, Jun-Iti | Modern Dimension Theory | 54 General topology |
Nagel, Ernest | Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science: Proceedings of the 1960 International Congress | 03 Mathematical logic and foundations |
Nahin, Paul | Inside Interesting Integrals | 26 Real functions |
Nahin, Paul | Chases and Escapes: The Mathematics of Pursuit and Evasion | 49 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization |
Nahin, Paul | Dr. Euler's Fabulous Formula | 00 General and overarching topics; collections |
Naimark, M.A. | Normed Rings | 46 Functional analysis |
Narasimhan, Raghavan | Several Complex Variables | 32 Several complex variables |
Nashed, M. Zuhair | Generalized Inverses and Applications | 15 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory |
Nathanson, Melvyn | Number Theory Carbondale 1979, Proceedings | 11 Number theory |
Nayfeh, Ali H. | Nonlinear Oscillations | 73 (73) Mechanics of deformable solids |
Nef, Walter | Linear Algebra | 15 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory |
Nehari, Zeev | Conformal Mapping | 30 Functions of a complex variable |
Neher, Erhard | On the Classification of Lie and Jordan Triple Systems | 17 Nonassociative rings and algebras |
Nelson, Edward | Topics in Dynamics I: Flows | 47 Operator theory |
Nesetril, Jaroslav | Mathematics of Ramsey Theory | 05 Combinatorics |
Nesetril, J. | Fourth Czechoslovakian Symposium on Combinatorics, Graphs and Complexity | 05 Combinatorics |
Netz, Reviel | The Archimedes Codex: How a Medieval Prayer Book Is Revealing the True Genius of Antiquity's Greatest Scientist | 01 History and biography |
Neugebauer, O. | Mathematical Cuneiform Texts | 01 History and biography |
Neumann, John V. | Functional Operators: Measures and Integrals | 47 Operator theory |
Neumann, B.H. | Lectures on Topics in the Theory of Infinite Groups | 20 Group theory and generalizations |
Neumann, John V. | Functional Operators: The Geometry of Orthogonal Spaces | 47 Operator theory |
Neuwirth, L.P. | Knot Groups | 57 Manifolds and cell complexes |
Nevanlinna, Olavi | Meromorphic Functions and Linear Algebra | 30 Functions of a complex variable |
Neveu, Jaques | The Calculus of Probability | 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes |
Neviile, Eric | Elliptic Functions: A Primer | 33 Special functions |
Neville, Eric | Jacobian Elliptic Functions | 33 Special functions |
Newcomb, Robert | Nonlinear Systems Analysis | 93 Systems theory; control |
Newman, James | The World of Mathematics | 00 General and overarching topics; collections |
Newman, M.H.A | Topology of Plane Sets | 54 General topology |
Newton, Isaac | Principia Volume 1: The Motion of Bodies | 01 History and biography |
Newton, Isaac | Opticks | 01 History and biography |
Newton, Isaac | Principia Volume 2: The System of the World | 01 History and biography |
Nirenberg, Louis | Lectures of Linear Partial Differential Equations | 35 Partial differential equations |
Nirenberg, L. | Topics in Nonlinear Functional Analysis | 46 Functional analysis |
Nirenberg, L. | Functional Analysis | 46 Functional analysis |
Nisan, Noam | Algorithmic Game Theory | 91 Game theory, economics, social and behavioral sciences |
Nishizeki, T. | Planar Graphs: Theory and Applications | 05 Combinatorics |
Nitecki, Zbigniew | Differentiable Dynamics | 58 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds |
Nixon, Floyd | Handbook of Laplace Transformation, Fundamentals, Applications, Tables, and Examples | 44 Integral transforms |
Noble, B. | Methods Based on the Wiener-Hopf Technique for the Solution of Partial Differential Equations | 35 Partial differential equations |
Noble, Ben | Applications of Undergraduate Mathematics in Engineering | 69 Mathematical physics and engineering |
Northcott, D.G. | Homological Algebra | 18 Category theory; homological algebra |
Northcott, D.G. | Ideal Theory | 16 Associative rings and algebras |
Novak, J. | General Topology and its Relations to Modern Analysis and Algebra | 54 General topology |
Novikov, P | Elements of Mathematical Logic | 03 Mathematical logic and foundations |
Novy, Lubos | Origins of Modern Algebra | 09 Abstract algebra |
Nussbaumer, H.J. | Fast Fourier Transform and Convolution Algorithms | 65 Numerical analysis |