Author Title MSC2020 Area
Taam, C.T.Lectures in Modern Analysis and Applications II26 Real functions
Tabachnikov, SergeKvant Selecta: Combinatorics, I05 Combinatorics
Takahashi, ShuichiMethodes Logiques en Geometrie Diophantienne11 Number theory
Talman, JamesSpecial Functions33 Special functions
Tannery, JulesFunctions Elliptiques33 Special functions
Tao, TerenceAnalysis II26 Real functions
Tao, TerenceAnalysis I26 Real functions
Tarski, AlfredDecision Method for Elementary Algera and Geometry03 Mathematical logic and foundations
Tarski, AlfredIntroduction to Logic03 Mathematical logic and foundations
Tarwater, DaltonThe Bicentennial Tribute to American Mathematics01 History and biography
Tarwater, J.Men and Institutions in American Mathematics01 History and biography
Taylor, AlanMathematics and Politics: Strategy, Voting, Power and Proof90 Operations research, mathematical programming
Taylor, MichaelPseudo Differential Operators35 Partial differential equations
Taylor, WalterCursillo on Varieties of Algebras08 General algebraic systems
Taylor, AngusIntroduction to Functional Analysis46 Functional analysis
Taylor, HowardAn Introduction to Stochastic Modeling 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes
Taylor, AngusIntroduction to Functional Analysis 46 Functional analysis
Taylor, MichaelPseudodifferential Operators35 Partial differential equations
Teil, ErsterModerne Algebra09 Abstract algebra
Temme, NSome Aspects of Applied Analysis: Asymptotics, Special Functions and Their Numerical Computation33 Special functions
Temperley, H.N.V.Combinatorics; Proceedings of the Eighth British Combinatorial Conference05 Combinatorics
Temple, G.An Introduction to Fluid Dynamics76 Fluid mechanics
Tenenbaum, MorrisOrdinary Differential Equations - An Elementary Textbook for Students of Mathematics, Engineering, and the Sciences34 Ordinary differential equations
Terras, AudreyHarmonic Analysis on Symmetric Spaces and Applications I43 (42) Harmonic analysis
Terras, AudreyHarmonic Analysis on Symmetric Space and Applications II43 (42) Harmonic analysis
Thaswamy, VaidyanaSet Topology54 General topology
Thomas, RekhaLectures in Geometric Combinatorics05 Combinatorics
Thomas, GeorgeCalculus and Analytic Geometry26 Real functions
Thomas, T.Y.The Differential Invariants of Generalized Spaces53 Differential geometry
Thompson, J. Michael T.Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos37 Dynamical systems
Thompson, Colin J. Mathematical Statistical Mechanics82 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter
Thompson Jr., W.A.Applied Probability 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes
Thornton, MarionClassical Dynamics of Particles and Systems70 Mechanics of particles and systems
Thrall, Robert M. Vector Spaces and Matrices15 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory
Thron, Wolfgang J.Topological Structures54 General topology
Thuijsman, FOptimality and equilibria in stochastic games91 Game theory, economics, social and behavioral sciences
Thurston, WilliamThree-Dimensional Geometry and Topology57 Manifolds and cell complexes
Tierney, John A.Differential Equations (Second Edition)34 Ordinary differential equations
Tikhonov, A.N. Solutions of Ill-Posed Problems65 Numerical analysis
Titchmarsh, E.T.The Theory of the Riemann Zeta-Function33 Special functions
Titchmarsh, EIntroduction to the Theory of Fourier Integrals42 Harmonic analysis
Titchmarsh, eTheory of Functions30 Functions of a complex variable
Todd, J.A.Projective and Analytical Geometry51 Geometry
Tolke, J.Contributions to Geometry51 Geometry
Tomescu, IoanProblems in Combinatorics and Graph Theory05 Combinatorics
Tondeur, P.Lectures on Lie Groups and Lie Algebras17 Nonassociative rings and algebras
Toth, L. FejesInternational Series of Monographs in Pure and Applied Mathematics52 Convex and discrete geometry
Tovey, Donald FMusical Articles from the Encyclopedia Britannica42 Harmonic analysis
Townsend, EFunctions of a Complex Variable30 Functions of a complex variable
Trefethen, LloydNumerical Linear Algebra65 Numerical analysis
Treves, Francois Locally Convex Spaces and Linear Partial Differential Equations35 Partial differential equations
Treves, FrancoisBasic Linear Partial Differential Equations35 Partial differential equations
Treves, FrancoisTopological Vectors Spaces, Distributions and Kernels46 Functional analysis
Treves, FrancoisTopological Vector Spaces, Distributions and Kernels46 Functional analysis
Tricomi, F.G.Integral Equations 45 Integral equations
Trinajstic, NenadChemical Graph Theory (Volume II)05 Combinatorics
Trinajstic, NenadChemical Graph Theory (Volume I)05 Combinatorics
Trotter, WilliamPlanar Graphs05 Combinatorics
Truemper, K.Matroid Decomposition05 Combinatorics
Tréves, FrançoisTopological Vector Spaces, Distributions and Kernels46 Functional analysis
Tsfasman, M.A.Algebraic-Geometric Codes14 Algebraic geometry
Tsuji, M.Potential Theory in Modern Function Theory31 Potential theory
Tucker, AlanApplied Combinatorics05 Combinatorics
Turnbull, H.W.An Introduction to the Theory of Canonical Matrices15 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory
Turnbull, HerbertThe Great Mathematicians01 History and biography
Tutte, W.T.Introduction to the Theory of Matroids05 Combinatorics
Tutte, W.T.Graph Theory As I Have Known It05 Combinatorics
Tutte, W.T.Recent Progress in Combinatorics05 Combinatorics