Jackson, Dunham | Fourier series and Orthogonal Polynomials | 42 Harmonic analysis |
Jackson, Dunham | Fourier Series and Orthogonal Polynomials | 42 Harmonic analysis |
Jackson, Dunham | The Theory of Approximation | 41 Approximations and expansions |
Jackson, Dunham | Fourier Series and Orthogonal Polynomials | 42 Harmonic analysis |
Jackson, Dunham | Fouriers Series and Orthogonal Polynomials | 42 Harmonic analysis |
Jackson, Dunilam | Fourier Series and Orthogonal Polynomials | 42 Harmonic analysis |
Jacobs, K. | Lecture notes on Ergodic Theory I | 28 Measure and integration |
Jacobs, K. | Lecture notes on Ergodic Theory II | 28 Measure and integration |
Jacobson, Nathan | Structure Theory of Jordan Algebras | 17 Nonassociative rings and algebras |
Jacobson, Nathan | Lectures in Abstract Algebra | 19 K-theory |
Jacobson, Nathan | Lie Algebras | 17 Nonassociative rings and algebras |
Jacobson, Nathan | Lectures in Abstract Algebra | 09 Abstract algebra |
Jacobson, Nathan | Basic Algebra II | 09 Abstract algebra |
Jacobson, Nathan | The Theory of Rings | 09 Abstract algebra |
Jacobson, Mathew | Structure of Rings | 16 Associative rings and algebras |
Jacobson, Nathan | Structure and Representations of Jordan Algebras | 17 Nonassociative rings and algebras |
Jacobson, Nathan | Structures of Rings | 16 Associative rings and algebras |
Jacobson, Nathan | Lectures in Abstract Algebra | 15 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory |
Jacobson, Nathan | Basic Algebra I | 09 Abstract algebra |
Jacobson, Nathan | Lectures in Abstract Algebra | 12 Field theory and polynomials |
Jacobson, Nathan | PI-Algebras | 16 Associative rings and algebras |
Jahnke, Eugene | Tables of Functions | 65 Numerical analysis |
James, Gordon | Representations and Characters of Groups | 20 Group theory and generalizations |
Jans, James | Rings and Homology | 18 Category theory; homological algebra |
Jech, Thomas | Ideals over uncountable set: Application of almost disjoint functinos and generic ultrapowers | 03 Mathematical logic and foundations |
Jech, Thomas | Ideals over uncountable sets: Application of almost disjoint functions and genetic ultrapowers | 03 Mathematical logic and foundations |
Jenner, W. E. | Lectures on Non-associative Algebras | 17 Nonassociative rings and algebras |
Jipsen, Peter | Varieties of Lattices | 06 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures |
John, Fritz | Nonlinear Wave Equations Formation of Singularities | 35 Partial differential equations |
John, Fritz | Ordinary Differential Equations | 34 Ordinary differential equations |
John, Fritz | Partial differential equations | 35 Partial differential equations |
Johnson, David | Discrete Algorithms and Complexity; Proceedings of th Japan-US Joint Seminar June 4-6, 1986, Kyoto, Japan | 05 Combinatorics |
Johnson, David | Mathematical Methods in Engineering and Physics | 69 Mathematical physics and engineering |
Johnson, Lee W. | Numerical Analysis | 65 Numerical analysis |
Jolley, L.B.W. | Summation of Series | 40 Sequences, series, summability |
Jones, D.S. | The Theory of Generalised Functions | 46 Functional analysis |
Jones, Vaughan F.R. | Actions of Finite Groups on the Hyperfinite type II1 Factor | 46 Functional analysis |
Jones, Burton | The Arithmetic Theory of Quadratic Forms | 11 Number theory |
Jones, George | A Treatise on Trigonometry | 51 Geometry |
Jones, George | A Treatise on Trigonometry | 51 Geometry |
Jones, Burton | The Arithmetic Theory of Quadratic Forms | 11 Number theory |
Jordan, Camille | Fonctions Elliptiques | 33 Special functions |
Jordan, James | Proceedings of the Washington State University Conference on Number Theory March 1971 | 11 Number theory |
Jorgens, Konrad | Spectral Properties of Hamiltonian Operators | 35 Partial differential equations |
Jorgens, K | Spectral Theory of Second-Order Ordinary Differential Operators | 34 Ordinary differential equations |
Joseph, George Gheverghese | The Crest of the Peacock: Non-European Roots of Mathematics | 01 History and biography |
Jukna, Stasys | Extremal Combinatorics with Applications in Computer Science | 05 Combinatorics |
Julliet, Grenoble | Structures Feuilletees | 57 Manifolds and cell complexes |
Jungnickel, Dieter | Graphs, Networks and Algorithms | 05 Combinatorics |