Author Title MSC2020 Area
Eagle, AlbertThe Elliptic Functions as They Should Be33 Special functions
Eagle, AlbertEllipti Functions as They Should Be33 Special functions
Edwards, R. E.Fourier Series A Modern Introduction Volume 242 Harmonic analysis
Edwards, R. E.Fourier Series A Modern Introduction Volume 142 Harmonic analysis
Edwards, A.W.F.Pascal's Arithmetical Triangle11 Number theory
Eggleston, H.G. Convexity52 Convex and discrete geometry
Ehrenpreis, LeonFourier Analysis in Several Complex Variables42 Harmonic analysis
Ehresmann, C.Categories Et Structures18 Category theory; homological algebra
Eilenberg, SamuelProceedings of the Conference on Categorical Algebra18 Category theory; homological algebra
Eilenberg, JordanHow Not to Be Wrong: The Power of Mathematical Thinking00 General and overarching topics; collections
Einstein, AlbertThe Evolution of Physics01 History and biography
Eisenhart, Luther An Introduction to Differential Geometry53 Differential geometry
Eisenhart, Luther Differential Geometry 53 Differential geometry
Elhamdadi, MohamedQuandles: An Introduction to the Algebra of Knots20 Group theory and generalizations
Ellis, Richard S.Entropy, Large Deviations and Statistical Mechanics82 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter
Elsgolc, L.E.Calculus of Variations49 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization
Elsgolc, L.E. Calculus of Variations49 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization
Elworthy, K.D.Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems, and Control Science00 General and overarching topics; collections
Engel, KonradSperner Theory in Partially Ordered Sets06 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures
Engeler, ErwinFormal Languages68 Computer science
Engeler, ErwinIntroduction to the Theory of Computation68 Computer science
Engquist, BjörnMathematics Unlimited - 2001 and Beyond05 Combinatorics
Epp, SusannaDiscrete Mathematics with Applications05 Combinatorics
Epstein, BernardPartial Differential Equations35 Partial differential equations
Erdelyi, A.Tables of Integral Transforms, Volume 142 Harmonic analysis
Erdelyi, AAsymptotic Expansion41 Approximations and expansions
Erdelyi, A.Tables of Integral Transforms, Volume 242 Harmonic analysis
Erdos, PaulTopics in the Theory of Numbers11 Number theory
Erdos, PaulThe Theory of Graphs; Proceedings of the Colloquium Held at Tihany Hungary05 Combinatorics
Erickson, MartinBeautiful Mathematics00 General and overarching topics; collections
Ernest, John Charting the Operator Terrain 47 Operator theory
Ernst, LouisEinfürhung in die Freire Geometrie ebener Kurven51 Geometry
Ethier, Stewart N.Markov Procsses and Related Topics: A Festschrift for Thomas G. Kurtz60 Probability theory and stochastic processes
Evans, Lawrence C.Partial Differential Equations35 Partial differential equations
Evans, Lawrence C.Weak Convergence Methods for Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations35 Partial differential equations
Evans, Lawrence C.Measure Theory and Fine Properties of Functions28 Measure and integration
Eves, HowardAn Introduction to the History of Mathematics01 History and biography
Eves, HowardMathematical Circles Revisited and Mathematical Circles Squared00 General and overarching topics; collections
Eves, HowardThe Other Side of the Equation: A Selection of Mathematical Stories and Anecdotes00 General and overarching topics; collections
Eves, HowardGreat Moments in Mathematics Before 165001 History and biography
Eves, HowardAn Introduction to the History of Mathematics01 History and biography
Eves, Howard In Mathematical Circles: Quandrants I and II00 General and overarching topics; collections
Eves, HowardIn Mathematical Circles: Quadrants III and IV00 General and overarching topics; collections
Ewing, George M.Calculus of Variations with Applications49 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization
Ewing, JohnPaul Halmos: Celebrating 50 Years of Mathematics01 History and biography
Exton, HaroldMultiple Hypergeometric Functions and Applications33 Special functions