Author Title MSC2020 Area
O'Rourke, JosephArt Gallery Theorems and Algorithms05 Combinatorics
O'hEigeartaigh, M.Combinatorial Optimization - Bibliography05 Combinatorics
Ockendon, HilaryInviscid Fluid Flows76 Fluid mechanics
Odlyzko, A.M.Handbook of Combinatorics, Chapter 22: Asymptotic Enumeration Methods05 Combinatorics
Oehring, DePreeElements of Complex Analysis30 Functions of a complex variable
Oleinik, Olga A.Mathematical Problems Of Boundary Layer Theory35 Partial differential equations
Oleinik, O.A.Second Order Equaitons With Nonnegative Characteristic Form35 Partial differential equations
Ollerenshaw, KathleenMost-Perfect Pandiagonal Magic Squares: Their Construction and Enumeration05 Combinatorics
Olmsted, John M. H.Advanced Calculus26 Real functions
Olver, FAsymptotics and Special Functions33 Special functions
Olver, F.W.J.Asymptotics and Special Functions33 Special functions
Oprea, JohnDifferential Geometry and Its Applications53 Differential geometry
Ore, OysteinTheory of Graphs55 Algebraic topology
Orlik, PeterArrangements of Hyperplanes05 Combinatorics
Orlik, PeterIntroduction to Arrangements05 Combinatorics
Ortega, James M.Numerical Methods for Differential Equations65 Numerical analysis
Ortega, James Studies in Numerical Analysis II65 Numerical analysis
Osen, LynnWomen in Mathematics01 History and biography
Osgood, WilliamTopics in the Theory of Functions of Several Complex Variables32 Several complex variables
Osgood, William Mechanics 70 Mechanics of particles and systems
Osgood, WilliamAdvanced Calculus26 Real functions
Ovchinnikov, SergeiGraphs and Cubes05 Combinatorics
Owen, GuillermoGame Theory91 Game theory, economics, social and behavioral sciences