Author Title MSC2020 Area
Valentine, FrederickConvex Sets52 Convex and discrete geometry
Valiron, GeorgesTheory of Integral Functions30 Functions of a complex variable
Van Orman Quine, WillardElementary Logic Revised Edition02 (03) Mathematical logic and foundations
Van Rootselaar, B.Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science; Proceedings of the Third International Congress, Amsterdam 196703 Mathematical logic and foundations
Vandervelde, SamBridge to Higher Mathematics00 General and overarching topics; collections
Varadarajan, V.S.Lie groups, Lie Algebra, and Their Representations22 Topological groups, Lie groups
Varadarajan, V.S.Geometry of Quantum Theory Volume I81 Quantum theory
Varadarajan, V.S.Geometry of Quantum Theory Volume II81 Quantum theory
Varga, R.S.Gersgorin and His Circles15 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory
Varga, RichardMatrix Iterative Analysis65 Numerical analysis
Varga, Richard S.Matrix Iterative Analysis65 Numerical analysis
Varopoulos, N.Analysis and Geometry of Groups20 Group theory and generalizations
Veblen, OswaldAnalysis Situys54 General topology
Veech, William A.A second course in complex analysis30 Functions of a complex variable
Veech, WilliamSecond course in Complex Analysis30 Functions of a complex variable
Velleman, DanielHow To Prove It: A Structured Approach03 Mathematical logic and foundations
Vidyasagar, M.Nonlinear Systems Analysis93 Systems theory; control
Vijayan, K.S.Combinatorics and Applications: Proceedings of the Seminar on Combinatorics and Application in Honour of Professor S.S. Shrikhande05 Combinatorics
Vilenkin, NSpecial Functions and the Theory of Group Representatinos20 Group theory and generalizations
Villani, CédricThe Birth of a Theorem: a Mathematical Adventure00 General and overarching topics; collections
Vinograde, BernardLinear and Matrix Algebra15 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory
Vinogradov, I.M.Encyclopedia of Mathematics00 General and overarching topics; collections
Vladimirov, V.S.Equations of Mathematical Physics35 Partial differential equations
Volkovyskii, L.I. A Collection of Problems on Complex Analysis30 Functions of a complex variable
Volterra, VitoTheorie Generale Des Functionales45 Integral equations
Von Neumann, John Functional Operators28 Measure and integration
Vorob'ev, NFibonacci Numbers05 Combinatorics
Vrooman, JackRené Descartes: A Biography01 History and biography