Algebra and Geometry Seminar


Welcome to the Algebra and Geometry Seminar at Iowa State University, organized by Jonas Hartwig, Jason McCullough, and Tathagata Basak.

During Fall 2024, the seminar runs on Thursdays at 3:10pm–4:00pm in Carver 401. Grad students are especially encouraged to attend.

Topics include:


August 29, 2024

(Meet and Greet)

The first meeting is a meet and greet where we introduce ourselves and share our interests.

September 5, 2024

Introduction to DG Algebras and Minimal Models

Jason McCullough (Iowa State University)

Free resolutions are an essential technique in commutative algebra to study modules. Often free resolutions carry an algebra structure, turning it into a differential graded (DG) algebra. I will introduce DG algebras, survey known results, and define minimal models — i.e. how one creates a DG-algebra resolution even when the minimal free resolution carries no such structure.

September 12, 2024

Introduction to Homotopy Lie Algebras

Jason McCullough (Iowa State University)

To any local ring, one can associate a graded Lie algebra, called the homotopy Lie algebra. Useful properties of the ring can be encoded by properties of the Lie algebra (such as when the ring is a complete intersection, Golod, Koszul, etc.). I will introduce homotopy Lie algebras, compute a few examples, and highlight a few results in the literature.

September 19, 2024

Weight Modules and the Restricted Yoneda Embedding

Dylan Fillmore (Iowa State University)

Given an algebra \(A\) and an appropriately chosen subcategory \(\mathcal{B}\) of \({}_A\mathsf{Mod}\), the weight spaces of an \(A\)–module are given by the restricted Yoneda embedding from \({}_A\mathsf{Mod}\) to the functor category \([\mathcal{B}^{\rm op}, \mathsf{Vect}]\). We discuss the existence of a left adjoint to the restricted Yoneda embedding, and give a sufficient condition for this adjunction to restrict to an equivalence.

September 26, 2024

(No talk)

October 3 and October 10, 2024

Hyperbolic Lattices from Strongly Regular Graphs

Tathagata Basak (Iowa State University)

Given a strongly regular graph, we'll define lattice of signature \((n,1)\). The construction is analogous to definition of root lattices, given a simply laced dynkin diagram. In many examples these lattices have interesting hyperbolic reflection group. For instance, the 275 vertex McLaughlin graph produces a signature \((21, 1)\) lattice on which the McLaughlin group naturally acts and whose reflection group contain 275 reflections that braid or commute according to the McLaughlin graph.

A variant of this construction works for certain regular bipartite graphs and a variant of the construction produces hyperbolic Hermitian lattices over rings of integers of some quadratic number fields. In particular, we will talk about two examples over the ring of Eisenstein integers. One reflection group, in \(U(4, 1)\), is related to the fundamental group of moduli space of cubic surfaces. Another, in \(U(13, 1)\), is conjecturally related to the monster simple group.

October 17, 2024

(No talk)

October 24, 2024

From Interpolation Problems to Matroids

Paolo Mantero (University of Arkansas)

Interpolation problems are long-standing problems at the intersection of Algebraic Geometry, Commutative Algebra, Linear Algebra and Numerical Analysis, aiming at understanding the set of all polynomial equations passing through a given finite set X of points with given multiplicities.

In this talk we discuss the problem for matroidal configurations, i.e. sets of points arising from the strong combinatorial structure of a matroid. Starting from the special case of uniform matroids, we will discover how an interplay of commutative algebra and combinatorics allows us to solve the interpolation problem for any matroidal configuration. It is the widest class of points for which the interpolation problem is solved. Along the way, we will touch on several open problems and conjectures.

The talk is based on two joint projects with Vinh Nguyen.

October 31 and November 7, 2024

Parabolic stabilization and cutting for diagonal reduction algebras

Jonas Hartwig (Iowa State University)

To each simple Lie algebra there is a corresponding associative algebra called the diagonal reduction algebra. It should be thought of as a quantum group associated to a solution of the dynamical Yang-Baxter equation, a generalization of the usual Yang-Baxter equation. These “dynamical” quantum groups seem to not have been given the attention in the they deserve. In particular, a presentation by generators and relations for these algebras is only known in type A. I will discuss a generalization of an inductive technique used by Khoroshkin and Ogievetsky in 2011 in their computation of a presentation of the diagonal reduction algebra of the general linear Lie algebra. Together with a known braid group action and other techniques, this should enable the computation of presentations in other cases.

November 14, 2024

Automorphisms of Quantum Schubert Cell Algebras

Garrett Johnson (North Carolina Central University)

Determining the automorphism group of an algebra is, in general, a difficult problem. However, certain types of noncommutative algebras have relatively few automorphisms, and in a few cases, the automorphism group can be simply described. In this talk I will discuss the automorphism problem for quantum Schubert cell algebras, including recent developments and open problems.

December 5, 2024

New Versions of Frobenius and Integral Closure of Ideals

Kyle Maddox (U Arkansas)

This talk is on joint work with Kriti Goel and William D. Taylor, arXiv:2410.10990. In this talk, we will explore Frobenius and integral closure of ideals in commutative, Noetherian rings. The closure operations are classical, and provide interesting geometric insight about the ring, especially the kinds of singularities that the spectrum of the ring can exhibit. We defined new versions of these ideals which incorporate an auxiliary ideal and a real parameter, common ingredients in generalizing closure operations to help extend them to the situation of ideals pairs, which are useful in algebraic geometry. We will focus on the affine semigroup ring situation especially, to which our new versions are explicitly calculatable in terms of convex geometry.

Links: arXiv:2410.10990

December 12, 2024

F-purity of binomial edge ideals in characteristic 2

Adam LaClair (Purdue University)

Binomial edge ideals provide a way to associate to any graph a binomial ideal. Many researchers have investigated the algebraic properties of binomial edge ideals in terms of the combinatorics of the graph. One such question is: When are binomial edge ideals F-pure? F-purity describes a class of rings in positive characteristic that exhibit a "mild" singularity, such rings have assumed a prominent position amongst the study of F-singularities. In 2018, K. Matsuda introduced the class of weakly closed graphs (i.e., incomparability graphs), and he proved that the binomial edge ideal associated to such graphs is F-pure in positive characteristic. He conjectured that the converse should hold in characteristic 2. In this talk, we will review binomial edge ideals, F-purity, and other relevant background, and then we will present the main ideas going into the proof of Matsuda's conjecture.

February 6, 2025

Controllability of the Periodic Quantum Ising Spin Chain and the Onsager Algebra

Yasemin Isik (Iowa State University)

The Onsager algebra was originally introduced in the study of the classical Ising model, where L. Onsager analyzed the Lie algebra generated by two operators describing the system’s statistical properties. Using this algebraic structure, he solved the eigenvalue problem of the transfer matrix, providing a fundamental insight into phase transitions.

In this talk, we revisit the Onsager algebra from a quantum control perspective. Specifically, we analyze the controllability of a one-dimensional periodic quantum Ising chain with spin-1/2 particles, where the control parameter interpolates between two Hamiltonians. The controllability of the system is determined by its dynamical Lie algebra, which is now known to be an Onsager algebra. We provide an alternative derivation of this result using the algebra of Pauli matrices and Pauli strings, explicitly constructing the basis of the Lie algebra and identifying its simple ideals and center within the representation space of \((\mathbb{C}^2)^{\otimes n}\).

This talk is based on joint work with Dr. Domenico D'Alessandro.

February 13, 2025

Koszul Binomial Edge Ideals

Jason McCullough (Iowa State University)

As the binomial edge ideal of a graph is always generated by homogeneous quadratic polynomials corresponding to the edges of the graph, the question of when a binomial edge ideal defines a Koszul algebra has been studied by many authors ever since the class of ideals was first defined. Several partial results are known, including a characterization of those binomial edge ideals that possess a quadratic Gröbner basis. However, a complete characterization of the graphs determining Koszul binomial edge ideals has remained elusive. Inspired by our recent work characterizing when the graded Mobius algebras of graphic matroids are Koszul, we answer the question once and for all by proving that a graph defines a Koszul binomial edge ideal if and only if it is strongly chordal and claw-free. This is joint work with Adam LaClair, Matthew Mastroeni, and Irena Peeva.

February 20, 2025

Hopf actions and algebras in tensor categories

Ryan Kinser (University of Iowa)

The classical notion of group actions (symmetries) has a natural generalization as Hopf algebra actions (quantum symmetries). At the same time, the classical study of finite-dimensional associative algebras has a natural generalization to algebras in finite tensor categories. This talk will be an introductory overview of these concepts, along with some proposed ideas for extending the fundamentals of the theory of finite dimensional algebras to the setting of finite tensor categories. I'll cover in a little more detail recent joint work with Elise Askelsen about Hopf actions and Ore extensions.

February 27 and March 6, 2025

The Verlinde Category and its Center

Danel Arreola (Iowa State University)

The Verlinde category \(\mathsf{Ver}_p\) is a fusion category that plays an important role in the study of tensor categories in characteristic \(p\). It can be constructed by semisimplifying the category of finite-dimensional representations of the cyclic group of order \(p\). In this talk, I will outline this construction, provide an overview of the structure of \(\mathsf{Ver}_p\), and discuss the significance of this category. I will also discuss the Drinfeld center of \(\mathsf{Ver}_p\), a related category whose structure is not yet fully understood. I will state a conjecture and present a partial result that provides evidence in its support.

March 13, 2025

Graded Polynomial Rings and Almost Lex Ideals

Nikola Kuzmanovski (Notre Dame)

The fundamental result on Hilbert functions is Macaulay’s theorem concerning lex ideals/O-sequences. This results says that for any homogeneous ideal in a polynomial ring, there exists a very nicely structured ideal (called a lex ideal) with the same Hilbert function. Among other things, this result provides a lower bound on the growth of a Hilbert function of graded ideals. There have been attempts to generalize this result in polynomial rings with a non-standard grading, but only partial results are known. The common issue that occurs is that a lex ideal might not exist for every graded ideal. We present a way to obtain ideals that are very close to lex ideals for an arbitrary grading. This is achieved through the use of generalized Borel moves.


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